Food, Water, Waste

The Food, Water, Waste research group aims to deliver sustainable and resilient solutions to address food, water and resource security. With expertise in wastewater treatment and reuse, advanced processing technologies, appropriate and sustainable design, waste and resource management, and sensors, analytics and modelling, we work across a range of sectors including food, bio-products, waste management, water and agriculture. 

GeoEnergy Research Centre

The GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC) address the global energy supply trilemma of affordability, security and sustainability. A joint centre with the British Geological Survey, the GERC undertakes research into subsurface energy processes specifically fluid-rock interactions, sensor development and demonstration of monitoring technologies. 

George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research is a global leader in photonic and optoelectronic simulation, electromagnetic compatibility and power quality, and numerical modelling - having pioneered the transmission line modelling method. With additional expertise in communications, our research spans a range of applications from the development of wireless chip-to-chip communications to the early detection of cancer. 

Human Factors

The Human Factors research group is leading the way in the application of human/person centred theories, methods, and approaches to solve real-world challenges faced by individuals, organisations and communities. Applying our human factors expertise across advanced manufacturing, transport, healthcare and the built environment, we ensure designs are usable, efficient, and supportive of user well-being. 

Institute for Advanced Manufacturing

The Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (IfAM) develops next generation manufacturing methods, technologies, systems, and services for cost efficient, high value and environmentally friendly production. Working across the aerospace, automotive, consumer products, medical, power, and process engineering sectors, IfAM supports UK manufacturers to be innovative and gain a competitive edge. 

Institute for Aerospace Technology

The Institute for Aerospace Technology (IAT) is leading the way for smarter, greener and faster aircraft. Working across six key areas – aerospace materials and structures, aerospace operations, aerospace manufacturing, future propulsion and systems, whole aircraft, and space – the IAT is the partner of choice for global aviation leaders and small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Lightning Technology Research Centre

The Lightning Technology Research Centre, a long-term collaboration with BAE Systems, aims to understand lightning and its interaction with modern technology. 

Low Carbon Energy and Resources Technologies

The Low Carbon Energy and Resources Technologies research group is investigating new, innovative methods to decarbonise energy and heat supplies across the domestic and industrial sectors. With expertise in carbon dioxide capture technologies, biomass thermochemical conversion, cleaner coal technologies, petroleum geochemistry, and smart materials for energy efficient buildings, we aim to accelerate the development of low carbon energy. 

Mechanical and Aerospace Systems

The Mechanical and Aerospace Systems research group develops new technologies and analysis methods to provide the engineering validation and verification for mechanical and aerospace systems. With expertise in machine dynamics, materials behaviour, solid mechanics, thermofluids, and machine learning we aim to enable sustainable, clean energy and decarbonised transport. 

Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre

The Nanoscale and Microscale Research Centre (nmRC) supports nanoscience and materials characterisation. With state-of-the-art facilities and allied expertise across materials and chemical imaging, compositional analysis, and nanofabrication, the nmRC provides analytical services across the university and commercially.