ADOLPHS, S., KNIGHT, D., SMITH, C. and PRICE, D., 2020. Crowdsourcing Formulaic Phrases: towards a new type of spoken corpus Corpora. 15(1), (In Press.)
ADOLPHS, S., CLARK, L., DÖRNYEI, Z., GLOVER, T., HENRY, A., MUIR, C., SÁNCHEZ-LOZANO, E. and VALSTAR, M., 2018. Digital innovations in L2 motivation: Harnessing the power of the Ideal L2 Self. System. 78, 173-185 HARRISON, SIMON, ADOLPHS, SVENJA, DOWENS, MARGARET GILLON, DU, PING and LITTLEMORE, JEANNETTE, 2018. All hands on deck. Negotiation over gesture forms in collaborative discourse LINGUA. 207, 1-22 COFFEY, FRANK, TSUCHIYA, KEIKO, TIMMONS, STEPHEN, BAXENDALE, BRYN, ADOLPHS, SVENJA and ATKINS, SARAH, 2018. Analysing voice quality and pitch in interactions of emergency care simulation BMJ SIMULATION & TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING. 4(4), 196-200 CARTER, CHRIS JAMES, KOENE, ANSGAR, PEREZ, ELVIRA, STATACHE, RAMONA, ADOLPHS, SVENJA, O'MALLEY, CLAIRE, RODDEN, TOM and MCAULEY, DEREK, 2016. Understanding academic attitudes towards the ethical challenges posed by social media research ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society. 45(3), 202-210
CLARK, LEIGH, OFEMILE, ABDULMALIK, ADOLPHS, SVENJA and RODDEN, TOM, 2016. A Multimodal Approach to Assessing User Experiences with Agent Helpers ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS. 6(4), SMITH, C. ADOLPHS, S. HARVEY, K. MULLANY, L., 2015. Spelling Errors and Keywords in Born-Digital Data: A Case Study Using the Teenage Health Freak Corpus. Corpora. 9(2), 137-154
KOENE, A., PEREZ, E., CARTER, C., STATACHE, R., ADOLPHS, S., O'MALLEY, C., RODDEN, T. and MCAULEY, D., 2015. Ethics of Personalized Information Filtering Internet Science (INSCI 2015): Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9089, 123-132 KOENE, A, PEREZ, EJ, CARTER, C, STATACHE, R, ADOLPHS, S, O'MALLEY, C, RODDEN, T and MCAULEY, D, 2015. Research ethics and public trust: Preconditions for continued growth of internet mediated research In: 1st International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP-2015). 163-168 PEREZ VALLEJOS, E., KOENE, A., CARTER, C., STATACHE, R., RODDEN, T., MCAULEY, D., CANO, M., ADOLPHS, S., O'MALLEY, C., POTHONG, K. and COLEMAN, S., 2015. Juries: Acting out digital dilemmas to promote digital reflections SIGCAS: Computers & Society. 45(3), 84-90
KOENE, A., PEREZ, E., CARTER C., STATACHE, R., ADOLPHS, S., O'MALLEY, C., RODDEN, T. and MCAULEY, D., 2015. Privacy concerns arising from internet service personalization filters SIGCAS: Computers & Society. 45(3), 167-171
CARTER, C., KOENE, A., PEREZ, E., STATACHE, R., ADOLPHS, S., O'MALLEY, C., RODDEN, T. and MCAULEY, D., 2015. Understanding academic attitudes towards the ethical challenges posed by social media research SIGCAS: Computers & Society. 45(3), 202-210
COFFEY, F., TSUCHIYA, K., TIMMONS, S., BAXENDALE, B., ADOLPHS, S. and ATKINS, S., 2015. Simulated patients versus manikins in acute-care scenarios The Clinical Teacher. 12, 1-5 ADOLPHS, S., KNIGHT, D. and CARTER, R., 2015. Beyond Modal Spoken Corpora: A Dynamic Approach to Tracking Language in Context. In: MCENERY, T. and BAKER, P., eds., Advances in Language and Linguistics: Corpora and Discourse Studies. Palgrave.
MULLANY, L., HARVEY, K., SMITH, C. and ADOLPHS, S., 2015. "Am I anorexic?" Weight, eating and discourses of the body in online adolescent communication Communication and Medicine. 1-15
STATACHE, RAMONA, ADOLPHS, SVENJA, CARTER, CJ, KOENE, A, MCAULEY, D, O’MALLEY, C, PEREZ, E and RODDEN, T, 2015. Descriptive ethics on social media from the perspective of ideology as defined within systemic functional linguistics Corpus Linguistics 2015 Abstract Book. Paper presented at Corpus Linguistics.
TSUCHIYA, K, COFFEY, F, TIMMONS, S, BAXENDALE, B and ADOLPHS, S, 2015. Simulated Patients vs Manikins in Acute Care Scenarios The Clinical Teacher. (In Press.)
KNIGHT, D., ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R., 2014. CANELC - The Cambridge and Nottingham eLanguage Corpus Corpora. 9(1),
SMITH, C., ADOLPHS, S., HARVEY, K. and MULLANY, L, 2014. Spelling Errors and Keywords in Born-Digital Data: A Case Study Using the Teenage Health Freak Corpus. Corpora. 9 (2),
ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R.A., 2013. Spoken corpus linguistics: from monomodal to multimodal Routledge.
MARTINEZ, R, ADOLPHS S and CARTER R.A., 2013. Listening for needles in haystacks: How lecturers introduce key terms English Language Teaching Journal. 67(3), 313-323
KNIGHT, D, ADOLPHS S and CARTER R.A., 2013. Formality in digital discourse: A study of hedging in CANELC. In: Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics John Benjamins. 131-152
CARTER R.A., MARTINEZ, R., ADOLPHS, S. and SMITH, C., 2012. Listening to lectures: Thinking smaller European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL. 1(1), 21-34
ADOLPHS, S., MULLANY, L., HARVEY, K. and SMITH, C., 2012. Teenage health freak - encyclopedia Available at: <> ADOLPHS, S., KNIGHT, D. and CARTER, R., 2011. Capturing context for heterogeneous corpus analysis: some first steps International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 16(3), 305-324 HARVEY, KEVIN & ADOLPHS, SVENJA, 2011. Discourse and Healthcare. In: HANDFORD, MICHEAL AND GEE, JAMES PAUL, ed., Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis Routledge.
O'KEEFFE, A and CLANCY, B. AND ADOLPHS, S., 2011. Pragmatics in Use Routledge.
GREENHALGH, C, MORTIER, R, HOUGHTON, RJ, MULLIGAN, CAE, SPENCE, A, CARTER, R and ADOLPHS, S, 2010. Crowd Sourcing: a Toolkit-based Approach In: Digital Futures 2010, Digital Economy All-Hands Meeting.
KNIGHT, DAWN, TENNENT, PAUL, ADOLPHS, SVENJA and CARTER, RONALD, 2010. Developing heterogeneous corpora using the Digital Replay System ( DRS ) In: Language Resources Evaluation Conference Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality.
ADOLPHS, S. AND LIN, P., 2010. Corpus Linguistics. In: SIMPSON, J., ed., The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics Routledge. (In Press.)
KNIGHT, D, TENNENT, P and ADOLPHS, S. AND CARTER, R., 2010. Developing heterogeneous corpora using the Digital Replay System (DRS) In: LREC 2010 (Language Resources Evaluation Conference) Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality. (In Press.)
ADOLPHS, S. AND KNIGHT, D., 2010. Building a spoken corpus: what are the basics?. In: IN O’KEEFFE, A. AND MCCARTHY, M., ed., The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics Routledge.
CARTER RA, ADOLPHS, S and EVANS, D, 2009. Headtalk, handtalk and the corpus:: Towards a framework for multi-modal, multi-media corpus development Corpora. 4(1), 1-32
KNIGHT, D, EVANS, D and CARTER, R. AND ADOLPHS, S., 2009. Redrafting corpus development methodologies: Blueprints for 3rd generation “multimodal, multimedia’’ corpora Corpora. 4(1), 1-32
ADOLPHS, S., 2009. Using a corpus to study spoken language. In: HUNSTON, S. AND OAKEY, D., ed., Doing Applied Linguistics: Key concepts and skills for postgraduate study Abingdon: Routledge. (In Press.)
LIN, P. AND ADOLPHS, S., 2009. Sound evidence: A multimodal corpus-based study into the notion of holistic processing of multiword units. In: BARFIELD, A. AND GYLLSTAD, H., ed., Collocating in Another Language: Multiple Interpretations Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press.)
DAHLMANN, I. and ADOLPHS, S., 2009. Spoken corpus analysis: multimodal approaches to language description. In: BAKER, P., ed., Contemporary corpus linguistics Continuum International Publishing. 136-150
HAMILTON, C, ADOLPHS, S and NERLICH, B., 2009. The meanings of 'risk' : a view from corpus linguistics. In: HANSEN, A, COTTLE, S, NEGRINE, R and NEWBOLD, C., eds., Mass communication research methods London: Sage.
BRUNDELL, P, TENNENT, P, GREENHALGH, C, KNIGHT, D, CRABTREE, A, O’MALLEY, C, AINSWORTH, S, CLARKE, D and CARTER, R. & ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Digital Replay system (DRS): A Tool for Interaction Analysis In: Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences 2008 (ICLS).
BRUNDELL, P, TENNENT, P, GREENHALGH, C, KNIGHT, D, CRABTREE, A, O’MALLEY, C, AINSWORTH, S, CLARKE, D and CARTER, R. & ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Digital Replay system (DRS): A Tool for Interaction Analysis In: Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences 2008 (ICLS).
BRUNDELL, P., KNIGHT, D., TENNENT, P., NAEEM, A., ADOLPHS, S., AINSWORTH, S., CARTER, R., CLARKE, D., CRABTREE, A. and GREENHALGH, C., 2008. The experience of using the digital replay system for Social Science research In: 4th International e-Social Science Conference.
BRUNDELL, P., KNIGHT, D., TENNENT, P., NAEEM, A., ADOLPHS, S., AINSWORTH, S., CARTER, R., CLARKE, D., CRABTREE, A., GREENHALGH, C., O'MALLEY, C. and PRIDMORE, T., 2008. The experience of using the Digital Replay System for social science research In: Proceedings of the 4th International e-Social Science Conference. BRUNDELL, P., TENNENT, P., GREENHALGH, C., KNIGHT, D., CRABTREE, A., O'MALLEY, C., AINSWORTH, S., CLARKE, D., CARTER, R. and ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Digital Replay System (DRS) - a tool for interaction analysis In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Learning Sciences. KNIGHT, DAWN, ADOLPHS, SVENJA, TENNENT, PAUL and CARTER, RONALD, 2008. The Nottingham Multi-Modal Corpus: A Demonstration In: 6th Language Resources And Evaluation Conference (Workshop On Multi-Modal Corpora).
BRUNDELL, PATRICK, TENNENT, PAUL, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, KNIGHT, DAWN, CRABTREE, ANDREW, O`MALLEY, CLAIRE, AINSWORTH, SHAARON, CLARKE, DAVID, CARTER, RONALD and ADOLPHS, SVENJA, 2008. Digital Replay System (DRS): A Tool for Interaction Analysis In: International Conference on Learning Sciences (Workshop on Interaction Analysis).
BRUNDELL, PATRICK, KNIGHT, DAWN, TENNENT, PAUL, NAEEM, A, ADOLPHS, SVENJA, AINSWORTH, SHAARON, CARTER, RONALD, CLARKE, DAVID, CRABTREE, ANDREW, GREENHALGH, CHRIS, O`MALLEY, CLAIRE, PRIDMORE, T and RODDEN, TOM, 2008. The experience of using the Digital Replay System for social science research In: 4th International e-Social Science Conference.
KNIGHT, D. AND ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Multi-modal corpus pragmatics: the case of active listenership. In: ROMEO, J., ed., Corpus and Pragmatics Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (In Press.)
ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Corpus and context: investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse John Benjamins Publishing Company.
O'KEEFFE, A. and ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Response tokens in British and Irish discourse: Corpus, context and variational pragmatics. In: BARRON, A. and SCHNEIDER, K, eds., Variational Pragmatics Amsterdam : John Benjamins.
CARTER, R. AND ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Linking the verbal and visual: New directions for Corpus Linguistics Language and Computers. 64, 275-291
KNIGHT, D, ADOLPHS, S and TENNENT, P. AND CARTER, R., 2008. The Nottingham Multi-Modal Corpus: A Demonstration In: Proceedings of the 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.
BRUNDELL, P, TENNENT, P, GREENHALGH, C, KNIGHT, D, CRABTREE, A, O’MALLEY, C, AINSWORTH, S, CLARKE, D and CARTER, R. & ADOLPHS, S., 2008. Digital Replay system (DRS): A Tool for Interaction Analysis In: Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences 2008 (ICLS).
ADOLPHS, S., ATKINS, S. and HARVEY, K., 2007. ‘Caught between professional requirements and interpersonal needs: Vague language in healthcare’. In: CUTTING, J., ed., Vague Language Explored Palgrave Macmillan. 62-78
ADOLPHS, S., 2007. Modality clusters and politeness in spoken discourse. In: SKANDERA, P., ed., Phraseology and Culture in English Mouton de Gruyter.
ADOLPHS, S, ATKINS, S and HARVEY, K., 2007. Caught between professional requirements and interpersonal needs: vague language in healthcare contexts. In: CUTTING, J., ed., Vague Language Explored Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. (In Press.)
ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R., 2007. Beyond the word: new challenges in analysing corpora of spoken English European Journal of English Studies. 11(2), 133-146 HAMILTON, C., ADOLPHS, S and NERLICH, B., 2007. The meaning of 'risk': A view from corpus linguistics Discourse & Society. 18(2), 163-181 KNIGHT, D, BAYOUMI, S, ADOLPHS S,, MILLS, S, PRIDMORE, T and CARTER R, 2006. Beyond the text: building and analysing multi-modal corpora In: Proc. 2nd International Conference on E-Social Science.
ADOLPHS, S., 2006. Advances in Corpus Linguistics Journal of Pragmatics. VOL 38(NO 2), 292-296 ADOLPHS, S., 2006. Introducing Electronic Text Analysis
ADOLPHS, S., 2006. Modality clusters and politeness in spoken discourse. In: SKANDERA, P., ed., Idiom(s) and Culture(s) in English Berlin : Mouton de Gruyer.
KNIGHT, D, BAYOUMI, S and ADOLPHS S, MILLS, S, PRIDMORE, T AND CARTER R, 2006. Beyond the text: building and analysing multi-modal corpora In: Proc. 2nd International Conference on E-Social Science.
HARVEY, K.J. and ADOLPHS, S., 2006. 'Am I normal' Teenagers, Sexual Health and the Internet. In: International Conference of Language and Social Psychology.
KNIGHT, D, CARTER, R, ADOLPHS, S, PRIDMORE, T, MILLS, S, CRABTREE, A and BAYOUMI, S., 2006. Beyond the text: construction and analysis of multi-modal linguistic corpora In: The 2nd International Conference on e-Social Science. HARVEY, K.J. and ADOLPHS, S., 2005. Communicating Medical Concerns: A Corpus Analysis of Adolescent Health Emails. In: Annual Meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics.
ADOLPHS, S., 2005. 'I don't think I should learn all this' - a longitudinal view of attitudes towards 'native speaker' English.. In: GNUTZMANN, C. and INTEMANN, F., eds., The globalisation of English and the English language classroom Tübingen: Gunter Narr. 119-132
ADOLPHS, S. and DUROW, V., 2004. Social-Cultural Integration and the development of Formulaic Sequences. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., Formulaic Sequences Amsterdam : John Benjamins.
SCHMITT, N., GRANDAGE, S. and ADOLPHS, S., 2004. Are Corpus-derived Recurrent Clusters Psycholinguistically Valid?. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., Formulaic sequences: acquisition, processing and use Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
ADOLPHS, S. and SCHMITT, N., 2004. Vocabulary coverage according to spoken discourse context. In: BOGAARDS, P. and LAUFER, B., eds., Vocabulary in a Second Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
SCHMITT, N., DÖRNYEI, Z., ADOLPHS, S. and DUROW, V., 2004. Knowledge and Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences: A Longitudinal Study. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing and Use Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 55-86.
ADOLPHS, S, CRAWFORD, P., BROWN, B., SAHOTA, O. and CARTER, R.A.., 2004. Applying Corpus Linguistics in a health care context International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 1(1), 44-49
SCHMITT, N., DÖRNYEI, Z., ADOLPHS, S. and DUROW, V., 2004. Knowledge and Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences: A Longitudinal Study. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing and Use Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 55-86.
ADOLPHS, S. and SCHMITT, N., 2004. Vocabulary coverage according to spoken discourse context. In: BOGAARDS, P. and LAUFER, B., eds., Vocabulary in a Second Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
SCHMITT, N., GRANDAGE, S. and ADOLPHS, S., 2004. Are Corpus-derived Recurrent Clusters Psycholinguistically Valid?. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., Formulaic sequences: acquisition, processing and use Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
SCHMITT, N., DÖRNYEI, Z., ADOLPHS, S. and DUROW, V., 2004. Knowledge and Acquisition of Formulaic Sequences: A Longitudinal Study. In: SCHMITT, N., ed., Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing and Use Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 55-86.
ADOLPHS, S, CRAWFORD, P., BROWN, B., SAHOTA, O. and CARTER, R.A.., 2004. Applying corpus linguistics in a health care context International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 1(1), 44-49
ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R.A., 2003. And She's Like 'It's Terrible Like': Spoken discourse, grammar and corpus analysis International Journal of English Studies. 45-56
ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R.A., 2003. Creativity and a corpus of spoken English. In: GOODMAN, S., ed., Language, Literacy and Education: A Reader Stoke-on-Trent : Trentham Books.
ADOLPHS, S., HAMILTON, C.A. and NERLICH, B., 2003. The Meaning of Genetics International Journal of English Studies. 57-76
ADOLPHS, S. and SCHMITT, N., 2003. Lexical coverage of spoken discourse Applied Linguistics. 24(4), 425-438 ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R.A., 2003. And she's like 'It's terrible like': Spoken discourse, grammar and corpus analysis International Journal of English Studies. 45-56
ADOLPHS, S., 2002. Genre and Spoken Discourse: Probabilities and Predictions The Nottingham Linguistic Circular. 17, 47-60
ADOLPHS, S. and CARTER, R.A., 2002. Corpus stylistics: point of view and semantic prosodies in To The Lighthouse Poetica. 7-20