School of English

Brazil Visiting Fellowships Scheme 2012 - applications invited for the Centre for Regional Literature and Culture

The University of Nottingham is pleased to announce 10 Visiting Fellowships for early career university lecturers and post-doctoral researchers currently working at recognised universities in Brazil.

The fellows will be appointed to 10 of the potential research project areas identified on the Brazil Visiting Fellowships website including one Fellowship working with Professor Lynda Pratt in the Centre for Regional Literature and Culture in the School of English Studies.

Outline of the Fellowship
Applications are invited in the areas of: cultural exchange between Brazil, South America and Great Britain c. 1750-1850; early histories of Brazil and/or South America written in English (eg. sources, composition and reception); perceptions of Brazilian and/ or South American history, politics, culture, current affairs, and revolutions in the British newspaper and periodical press c. 1750-1850; Brazil and/ or South America and the British literary imagination - writings in English with a Brazilian or South American setting (eg. novels, plays, poems, travel books, journals); perceptions of Brazil and/ or South America by English writers and travellers, and the origins of those perceptions.

Closing date for application forms to be submitted - 16 December 2011
Posted on Thursday 24th November 2011

School of English

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