School of English

Applications are invited for Post-doctoral Bursaries (funded by the Centre for Advanced Studies) by 17 February 2011

The Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) at The University of Nottingham supports research in the arts and social sciences. 

Applications are invited for the CAS Post-Doctoral Bursaries from Early Career Researchers who have been awarded their PhD in the last 24 months and whose work complements any area of Arts and Social Sciences research. Preference will be given to proposals that fall within CAS’s current interdisciplinary research themes (see below). Applicants can apply from across the UK and abroad. The application deadline in CAS for 2011/12 is 28th February 2011,  however, in order that applications can be considered in the School of English Studies and the internal sponsor's letter written in time for the CAS deadline, a letter of application, CV and 500 word statement (see below) must be sent to by 17 February 2011.

Applications will also be welcomed from candidates wishing to undertake a piece of significant research involving the University’s collections (including the archaeological collections, art collection, manuscripts and special collections and natural history collections).

Duration - The bursaries are tenable for up to nine months in the 2011/2012 academic year starting from 1st September 2011 at the earliest.

Research – The focus of the post-doctoral bursaries is to enable candidates to undertake a significant piece of work - research, publication of thesis or engagement with non-academic organisation to broaden the impact of their research. Preference will be given to candidates who give a clear indication as to how the bursary will enhance their chances in an application for a post-doctoral fellowship award based at the University of Nottingham from external funders such as the British Academy, ESRC or Leverhulme. The fit to research strengths and interests at Nottingham is thereby an important selection criteria for the bursary competition.

What the bursaries offer – the bursaries include an honorarium of up to £9,000 (£1,000 per full calendar month of award). The award can be held for a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum of 9 months.

Successful applicants will have access to office space and facilities in the Orchards Building on University Park Campus, the current home of CAS. They will also be welcomed into the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, and have access to library facilities and the University Staff Club.

Successful applicants are expected to take part in CAS’s research programme (attending seminars given by other post-doctoral award holders and visiting fellows) and to participate in the programme of events for 2011/2012, offering at least one paper.

Award holders will have opportunities to participate in and to design seminars, workshops, colloquia, and to collaborate with colleagues working in similar research areas.

No teaching is required, but successful applicants are free to supplement the bursary by contributing, by arrangement with the appropriate Head of subject area, to undergraduate teaching programmes.

At the end of the bursary, the CAS Executive requires those who receive funds to provide a satisfactory 1000 word report on the outcomes of the project. This must be submitted within one month of the conclusion of the project. The report should contain details of any external funding bids submitted or in preparation. The CAS Executive reserve the right to use the text of the reports submitted on official CAS promotional literature and Annual Reports and on the CAS web pages.

All publications relating to research undertaken as a result of the scholarship should include an acknowledgement of the support offered by the CAS post-doctoral bursary.

Applications should be sent to in the School of English Studies by the deadline of 17 February 2011 and include:

1. Letter of application. Please give details of your current circumstances including an indication of any other sources of support you will have in the period of the bursary and any relevant commitments, and details of other sources of support you have applied for and the expected date of outcome.

2. Curriculum Vitae. Please give evidence of your education and qualifications, career to date, publications and other outputs. 

3. A 500-word statement describing your intended goals for the bursary. Please include details of your proposed research programme for the period of the award and details of how your research interests intersect with research strengths at Nottingham and how these would be of value to you.

All applications will be considered by a shortlisting committee in the School of English Studies before being forwarded to CAS.  Those applications that are forwarded to CAS must also include:

4. Internal sponsor’s letter. This should be from a member of the University’s academic staff and detail the value of your proposed programme of work and why your visit to Nottingham is of value to you and other disciplines across the University. It will be an advantage if the internal sponsor can indicate support for, or interest in your work from another unit. The internal sponsor will be required to secure Head of School sign-off for their letter of support. The sponsor’s School/Dept will be asked to rank post-doctoral bursary applications in order of importance. Schools will be expected to support all candidates put forward for CAS bursaries in future post-doctoral fellowship bids to external funders. The internal sponsor should not act as one of the two referees.

5.  Two references. Referees will be asked to email their references directly to Allison Pearson in CAS and they should include a statement on the quality and significance of the applicant’s research activity and the potential value of their time at Nottingham. Referee’s letters should be received by 28th February 2011.

CAS research themes for 2011-2012:

Well-being incorporating Children and Childhood, Sex and Sexed Inequality, Finance and Society, Health Humanities, the Culture of Work, Living with Environmental Change

Translating Cultures incorporating Migration, the Analysis of Democratic Culture, Post-conflict Cultures, Security, Science Technology and Society, Connected Communities, Globalisation.

Further information about the CAS Post-doctoral Bursary Scheme 

Posted on Friday 7th January 2011

School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900