School of English

'Young Person of the Year' for English student working on a Community Project

A University of Nottingham student has been named ‘Young Person of the Year’ at the BIG10 awards, in recognition of the amazing contribution that she has made to her local community and to Nottingham as a whole.

Giselle Kennedy, who is working towards a joint honours degree in English and American Studies, won the award for the time and effort she has spent to help set up and run a Peace Garden on the Lenton Recreation Ground with local charity Sprout.

Giselle also raised over £500 towards the set up costs for the garden, which is intended to promote community cohesion between students and local residents, and provide a beautiful habitat for wildlife.

After receiving her award from Nottingham City Council’s Amy Goulden, Giselle said: “The Peace Garden is really beginning to develop and grow. Winning the award meant so much to me. In a world where students and young people are often ignored, or denigrated as a nuisance, it was good to know that the Partnership Council truly value the contribution we make towards social cohesion in our local area."

Full story about Giselle's award


Posted on Thursday 2nd December 2010

School of English

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The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

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