School of English

Jon McGregor shortlisted in the 2011 BBC National Short Story Award

The School of English Studies was thrilled to hear the news that honorary lecturer, Jon McGregor, has been shortlisted in the 2011 BBC National Short Story Award for his story Wires. This is the second time Jon has reached this stage in the competition, having come second in 2010 with If it keeps on raining. ‘I am delighted and honoured to be on the shortlist again,’ he told us. ‘And I am really looking forward to hearing the other stories.’

Jon was made an honorary lecturer by the School earlier this year, and received an honorary degree from the University at this summer’s graduation ceremonies. He will be giving a talk on literary influence as part of the School’s guest writers programme during the coming academic year. Listeners can access his shortlisted story on the BBC website.

The School of English Studies congratulates Jon on this fantastic achievement, and wishes him the very best in the final announcement on 26 September.

Posted on Friday 16th September 2011

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