School of English

New course - MA in Creative and Professional Practice in Arts and Education

This new Masters course is delivered as part-time only, with classes timetabled on evenings, weekends, and during school half-terms. It is designed for teachers with particular interest in a range of arts practices and for arts professionals with an interest in educational work. Placements in professional arts and educational settings are a distinctive feature of the course alongside the university based programme.

Key topics include film, Shakespeare, place and space, creativity, and analysing performance.

Applicants who hold a PGCE may qualify for accredited prior learning.

There will be opportunities for placements and practical experiences with our local partners, which include large institutions, small companies and individual practitioners and educationalists.  The degree is taught by academic staff from the University’s Schools of English and Education in partnership with local arts and educational institutions.

Modules offered include:

  • Film Literacies
  • Place and Space
  • Shakespeare
  • Creative Writing
  • Independent project

Key skills and experience:

  • Working knowledge of professional practice in arts in educational settings
  • Understanding of practical approaches to leading learning in the arts
  • Interactive and experiential learning
  • Placements in and practical experience of arts education projects

Full course description and how to apply

For more information, please contact

Posted on Thursday 21st March 2013

School of English

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5900