School of English

Svenja Adolphs Life Cycle

Life cycle cyclists

Our very own Svenja Adolphs is participating in Life Cycle 4. Below you can read a brief report by Svenja on her charity appeal:

"I’m cycling to raise funds for a very worthy cause: Children’s Brain Tumour Research. Brain tumours are a devastating disease and the largest cause of cancer death in children and adults under 40. Children’s Brain Tumour Research carries out essential work in this under-funded area of cancer research.

To help support this important work I am swapping my wetsuit for lycra this summer and hope that I will still be smiling after cycling 1400 miles.

I have not been on a bike since my school days so both the training and the event itself will be a massive challenge for me. I will need all the support I can get!"

To donate to the cause please follow the link:  

Posted on Monday 11th August 2014

School of English

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The University of Nottingham
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