ePortfolio for Lifelong Learning

See our project pages on the eFramework website at http://www.elframework.org/refmodels/epll/

Materials to support JISC Circular 04/06

[Materials on this site are duplicated elsewhere, but are offered here in one discrete area to support parties interested in bidding for projects under the JISC Capital Programme Circular 04/06, Appendix D: e-Learning, Technical developments to support learning and teaching, Administration of learning and teaching, Call IV: Admissions Demonstrators (full text available at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2006/09/funding_circular04_06.aspx). The ITT calls for projects to investigate and provide a technical demonstration of the systems and processes needed to improve HE admisssions processes in four main areas:

Narrative for a learner making an application to a Higher Education Institution (also available as a zipped MS Word file)

describes a narrative for a learner making an application to a Higher Education Institution and shows how a learner can use an ePortfolio engine to search for Higher Education courses and create a structured personal statement to apply to an HEI via UCAS. It includes a set of scenarios and use case specifications, and two service definitions with sample WSDL files (demonstration prototypes are in preparation for late November 2006).

An HTML Demonstrator showing how this work might be realised using a fictional FE ePortfolio system is available here.

Bidders may also find the following 3 briefing documents useful: