Nottingham ESRC Doctoral Training Programmes

Educational Research: Purposes, Place and Policy

Key Facts
Module Code EDUC4240
Module Convenor Howard Stevenson
Teaching Pattern


Semester Taught Spring Semester (usually starting in January)
Method of Assessment Written assignment
Pre Requisites none
Module Administrator TBC

This module will focus on addressing several fundamental questions in education, from a philosophical perspective, but in turn they will be applied in a policy context.

  • what is education for and who decides? 
  • How are the aims and purposes of education reflected in ‘policy’?

The module will examine different approaches to understanding ‘policy’ and will also explore ‘policy analysis’ as a particular strand within research. This will include a range of approaches to policy analysis including those associated with ‘analysis of policy’ and ‘analysis for policy’.

Throughout the module the issues covered will be explored in a range of contexts – in different countries, different educational sectors and at different ‘levels’ within systems (from individual institution through to policy making at national and supra national level)

Nottingham ESRC Doctoral Training Programmes

University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4708