
Our newer Contensis template and components will provide a more contemporary look and feel to your pages, while retaining the simple drag and drop CMS page building as with the legacy layouts.

Take a look through our instructions below on how you can launch your own, more engaging pages.

Request template access

You should first check with your unit web coordinator if the full width template is suitable for your website.

Before you can use the full width template, the web team will need to add it to your folder(s) in the CMS. You can request this via the web team support request form. You can also use this form to request additional guidance using the template. If you require additional support creating your pages, please raise a project request instead.



Creating your page

1. Once the template has been added to your folder, create a new page by clicking your folder and selecting New Content.

Creating a new page



2. Select Web Page from the list of options.

Select Web Page



3. Select GeneralFullWidth-GlobalHeaderFooter from the list of templates.

If the New Content, Web Page or GeneralFullWidth-GlobalHeaderFooter options are not visible, you'll need to raise a support request to get the required access.

Select template



4. Once created, your new page will appear.

The three web controls are part of the template and cannot be edited. These add the university logo, main navigation and footer to your pages.

There is also a breadcrumb control. Breadcrumbs appear on page by default, but can be removed, or the root folder can be changed if required. If you are removing breadcrumbs, then leave the breadcrumbs placeholder empty.

The section under the breadcrumbs control is the editable area of your page, so this is where you'll add your content.

The first thing you should do is click in the editable area and add a few extra lines, as this will give you more space to work with.

New page - Final



5. You will also need to name your page. There are three different fields required for this and they all have different purposes. These can be found in the Properties tab.

Title: This is the name that appears on search engines and in web browser tabs. As this is displayed to users, it should be informative and user friendly.

File Name: This is the name of the page in the CMS menu. It is used to generate the pages file path and URL. As this is used in the URL, no spaces are allowed and special characters are limited to hyphens only.

Menu Name: This is the name displayed in any navigation menus. As this is displayed to users, it should be short, informative and user friendly.

New page - Properties


6. Now that your page has been created and named, save it using the button in the top right.


We can now begin adding components to the page, starting with a banner.

Adding a banner