
There are a few different text-based components that can be used to enhance your page's look and feel. They can be found at /SharedResources/Razor/2022

These components need to be dragged and dropped onto the page in the place you want them to appear. Once dropped, a pop-up will appear which allows you to input the relevant content and configuration options.

Header, text and CTA card

The header, text and CTA card is a component that has a heading with text and a call to action (CTA) button link. You have to include a button link. It can used full width or within a column.

It can be found at /SharedResources/Razor/2022/headerTextCTA-card


Text content.

Link text


Important information CTA card

The important information CTA card lets you highlight important information. You can choose if you want to show the 'i' icon. The CTA button link is also optional. It can used full width or within a column.

It can be found at /SharedResources/Razor/2022/ImportantInfoCTA-card

Logo with letter i in circle
Important information heading

Information information here.

Link text


Standard tabs

The standard tabs component lets you display content in tabs where you can click along on the next tab to show different content. You can have from one to seven tabs. The content allows you to use HTML to format the content. It can used full width or within a column. You should check how it displays on smaller screen sizes.

It can be found at /SharedResources/Razor/2022/Standard-Tabs

Tab content.

Tab content two.

Tab content three.

Tab content four.



The statistics control lets you display a number of statistics so they stand out. You can choose to have them display in pink or blue and decide on the number of stats across the page. You have the option for a link and a source as well.

It can be found at /SharedResources/Razor/2022/Stats

Top 100

in the world

QS World University Rankings
Top 10

in the UK

89% of our research

is world-leading or internationally excellent

Research Excellence Framework


Testimonial carousel

The testimonial carousel lets you display a number of testimonials in a rotation. You can have no link or you can link the source to a profile or further information page. It can used full width or within a column.

It can be found at /SharedResources/Razor/2022/Testimonial-carousel


Older components

You can also use a few of our components created for our left side menu templates. View the guidance for: