
Image and text blocks are a great way to point users onto the next part of their journey. These work particularly well on homepages. On smaller screen sizes the image will disappear and just display the button link when these are used on left side menu templated pages.

As with content cards, they are best placed within columns. At full width, they'd be overbearing and will consume too much of a user's screen (on desktop or larger devices). It's best practice to split them between two or three columns, like this:

boats on the lake in front of Trent building
Example text
the lake in front of Trent building
Example text
the lake on Jubilee Campus in front of buildings
Example text



For each image and text CTA block, you'll need:

  • Label*
  • Link*
  • Image* (1000px wide by 666px high)
  • Link destination*
  • Title text (useful for screen reader users)

* Required field


  1. In edit mode of your page, place your cursor where you want your CTA block
  2. Find /SharedResources/Razor/CTA-ImageAndTextBlock in the project explorer
  3. Drag and drop CTA-ImageAndTextBlock.cshtml into your page
  4. Input the control settings
  5. Save settings
  6. Save and preview your page - how does it look?

Control settings

CTA label

  • Each content card needs a title/label
  • Be clear and concise
  • Ensure your title is relevant to the link destination

CTA link

  • Browse for a CMS page you'd like to link to
  • Or link to an external URL

CTA title (hover) text

  • Provide some title (or hover) text for screen reader users - this give a little more context for those users that may have a visual impairment, for example


  • Upload and approve your image before inserting your control
  • Ensure your image is relevant and on brand

Image alt text

  • What's going on in your image?
  • Provide an image description


Here are some examples of image and text CTA blocks being used: