Finance and Infrastructure

Finance and Infrastructure



to the home page for Finance and Infrastructure at the University of Nottingham.




Headed up by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Finance and Infrastructure (F&I) incorporates a number of services and sections covering the University's financial and business facilities and infrasture as well as various aspects of financial and procurement governance:

  • Campaign and Alumni Relations (CARO)

    The Campaign and Alumni Relations (CARO) team is responsible for nurturing lifelong relationships with alumni to create passionate advocates, as well as generating and coordinating philanthropic and volunteering support which enhances the University’s strategic activity. 

  • Commercial

    The Commercial team has overall responsibility for all aspects of commercialisation, whilst mitigating operational, commercial and compliance risk.

  • Digital and Technology Services (DTS)

    The Digital and Technology Services (DTS) team provides IT services and support to staff and students at the University's UK and the International Campuses

  • Estates and Facilities Management (F&F)

    The Estates and Facilities Management (F&F) team provides strategic and operational services support to the University infrastructure, buildings and landholdings. 

    This function also includes the   Nottingham Hospitality and   Nottingham Conferences

  • Finance

    Split into a number of teams, the Finance team provides financial management and business partnering services for the University, informs financial policy decisions and provides financial accounting (including Treasury). It ensures the service delivery for all income collection and payments to all customers (students, employees and suppliers), ensures the University is tax compliant, has responsibility for all insurance and travel and expenses claims/queries. The team also has responsibility for procurement including the delivery of value for money through good procurement practice in Schools and Departments.

  • Getting in Shape (GiS)

    The Getting in Shape (GiS) team enable continuous improvement across the university through the development of Organisational Efficiency, Culture and Habits and Financial Stewardship. Our team of experienced Practitioners work to build Lean Capability, Enable Improvements and Embed Lean thinking with our colleagues. 

    Further details can be accessed via their internal SharePoint site.

   The Research and Innovation (R&I) team aims to deliver business engagement and knowledge transfer objectives as set out in the University's Strategic Plan 2020.

   Supporting the development and delivery of the University's Research and Knowledge Transfer Strategy, and contributes expertise and guidance across the full spectrum of the University's research and doctoral       training policies and activities.

   The R&I team also offers a range of services to corporate partners, small and medium sized businesses, and support for academics who want to engage with industry.



Finance and Infrastructure

Chief Financial Officer
Room A18 Trent Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

Contact details for the each of the separate divisions that comprise the Finance and Infrastructure team can be found on our contacts page.