Student fees and finance

Postgraduate research courses 2014-15

The table gives the fees for full-time students.  For part-time and part-course students, please refer to the Fee Regulations.

Schools and Departments



Inter-Campus PhD

For the fees charged for an inter-campus PhD (ie a PhD where the period of study is at more than one of the University's campuses) please see the Exceptional Fees page.

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
C144 Techniques in Cell and Development Biology MRes £9,510 *
C491 Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Sciences MRes £6,370 *
C791 Applied Bioinformatics MRes £6,370 *
C102 Biosciences MRes £3,996 *
D40T Crop Science MRes £3,996 *
D49S Agricultural Management and Economics MRes £3,996 *
B416 Dietetics MRes £3,996 *
D61U Food Science and Engineering MRes £6,370 *
D61R Food Sciences MRes £6,370 *
D61T Sensory Science MRes £6,370 *
D63R Brewing Science MRes £6,370 *
C77R Industrial Physical Biochemistry MRes £3,996 *
C50R Microbiology MRes £3,996 *
D79R Sustainable Bioenergy MRes £6,370 *
D690 Global Food Security MRes £6,370 *
D49D AgriFood D.AgriFood £3,996 *
All courses MPhil £3,996 *
All courses PhD £3,996 *


* The fee for undertaking a Research Degree in the School of Biosciences will be one of the following depending on the nature of your project: £17,340, £21,650, £25,690 or £31,750.  An assessment of the appropriate fee will be made on receipt of your project proposal, and confirmed in your offer letter.

Please contact the School for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research, Tel: +44 (0)115 951 6015,

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Business School

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MSc (by research) £3,996 £17,340
All courses MRes £3,996 £17,340
All courses MPhil £3,996 £17,340
All courses PhD £3,996 £17,340

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Computer Science

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £17,340
All courses MPhil £3,996 £17,340
G59D IDIC Digital Technologies PhD



All other courses PhD £3,996 £17,340


* Please contact the School for further details on the fees for the IDIC PhD: Tel +44(0)115 8468377,

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Contemporary Chinese Studies

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470
All courses DocEuro £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies (American & Canadian Studies)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies (Culture, Film & Media)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies (French & Francophone Studies)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies (German Studies)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies (Russian & Slavonic Studies)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by research)  £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Cultures, Languages & Area Studies (Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses DocEuro £3,996 £13,470
X3BN Nottingham-Beijing Split-site MPhil MPhil n/a *
X3BN Nottingham-Beijing Split-site PhD PhD n/a *
All other courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All other courses PhD £3,996 £13,470
All courses EdD £4,820 £13,470


* Please contact the School of Education for further information on the fees for the Nottingham-Beijing Split-site MPhil/Phd

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
H70U Manufacturing Engineering (part time) EngD £3,185 £13,875
All other courses EngD £3,996 £17,340
All courses MRes £3,996 £17,340
All courses MSc (by Research) £3,996 £17,340
All courses MPhil £3,996 *
All courses (IDIC) PhD *** ***
All courses (Nottingham UK based) PhD £3,996 *
All courses (Nottingham UK/Ningbo based) PhD £3,996 **


* For Science/Engineering based research, the International fee will be £17,340. For Social Science based research, the fee will be £13,470.

**The fee for the joint Nottingham/Ningbo PhD will be based on the relevant fees at Nottingham & at Ningbo.  Normally, it will be calculated at 50% of the Nottingham UK fee & 50% of the Nottingham Ningbo fee.

***Please contact the School for further details on the fees for the IDIC PhD: Tel +44 (0)115 748 4046,

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
F856 Contaminated Land Management MRes £10,750 £17,340
F840 Geospatial Intelligence MSc (by research) £6,010 £17,340
All other courses MRes £3,996 *
All other courses MSc (by Research) £3,996 *
All courses MA (by Research) £3,996 *
All courses MPhil £3,996 *
All courses PhD £3,996 *


*For Science based research, the International fee will be £17,340. For Social Science based research, the fee will be £13,470.

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Health Sciences

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470
All courses DM £3,996 £13,470
All courses DHSci £3,996 £13,470

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Hearing Research

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 *
All courses PhD £3,996 *
All courses DM £3,996 *


*International Fees will be charged as follows: low-cost research - £13,470; laboratory-based research - £19,150; high cost laboratory-based research - £21,650.

Please contact the Institute for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research,

Tel: +44 (0)115 922 3431,

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Humanities (Archaeology)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by Research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MSc (by Research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Humanities (Art History)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes  £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Humanities (Classics)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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 Humanities (History)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Humanities (Music)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470
All courses AMusM £3,996 £13,470
All courses AMusD £3,996 £13,470

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Humanities (Philosophy)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by Research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Humanities (Theology and Religious Studies)

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MA (by Research) £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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Life Sciences

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes * *
All courses DM £3,996 **
All courses MPhil £3,996 **
All courses PhD £3,996 **

* HEU fees will be charged as follows: computer-based projects - £6,370; laboratory-based projects - £9,510

*International fees will be charged as follows: computer-based projects - £13,470; laboratory-based projects - £19,150.

Please contact the School for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research,

Tel: +44 (0)115 823 0109,

**International fees will be charged as follows: low-cost research - £13,470; high cost laboratory-based research - £21,650; exceptional technically-intensive/specialised research projects with high consumable costs - £26,150.

Please contact the School for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research,

Tel: +44 (0)115 823 0109,

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Mathematical Sciences

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
C81Q Forensic Psychology DForenPsy £7,300 £16,110
C89Q Forensic Psychology - top-up programme DForenPsy £7,300 £16,110
C81N Forensic Psychology (part-time) DForenPsy £4,380 £9,670
C89N Forensic Psychology - top-up programme (part-time) DForenPsy £4,380 £9,670
C89G Applied Psychology (Greece) PhD £5,380 £16,110
C89W Workplace Health and Wellbeing DocWHW £3,996 £16,110
C89E Criminological Psychology MSc (by research) £7,300 £16,110
C81K Doctorate in Clinical Psychology DClinPsy * *
All courses DM £3,996 ** 
All courses MPhil £3,996 ** 
All courses MRes £3,996 ** 
All courses MSc (by research) £3,996 ** 
All other courses PhD £3,996 ** 

*Successful applicants for this programme are employed by the NHS as trainee clinical psychologists and course fees are covered by the funding body. Please contact the School for further information: Tel +44 (0)115 82 31000,

**International fees will be charged as follows:

Low-cost research - £13,470; Medium-cost research in Applied Psychology and Paediatric Pharmacology - £16,110; Laboratory-based research - £19,150; High-cost laboratory-based research - £21,650; Technically-intensive/specialised research projects with high consumable costs - £26,150; Exceptional technically-intensive/specialised research projects with high consumable costs - £31,750

Please contact the School for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research, Tel: +44 (0) 115 823 1000,

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
B29P  Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (Monash) PhD £3,996 £23,850
B29Q Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery PhD £3,996 £23,850
All courses MRes £3,996 *
All courses MPhil £3,996 *
All other courses PhD £3,996 *


*International fees will be charged as follows: research in the Division of Social Research in Medicines & Health - £16,110; other research - £19,150

Please contact the School for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research

Tel: +44(0)115 951 5100,

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Physics & Astronomy

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MSc (by research) £3,996 £17,340
All courses MRes £3,996 £17,340
All courses MPhil £3,996 £17,340
All courses PhD £3,996 £17,340

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Politics and International Relations

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 £13,470
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
All courses PhD £3,996 £13,470

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CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £17,340
All courses PhD £3,996 £17,340
All courses DAppEdPsy

All courses DAppPsych £7,300 n/a


*Applicants who are resident in the United Kingdom are able to apply for funding through the Clearing House for Postgraduate Educational Psychology courses, which is administered by The Teaching Agency, part of the Department for Education. Please contact the School for further information: Tel +44 (0)115 846 7238,

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Sociology & Social Policy

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MPhil £3,996 £13,470
L39S  Energy & Environment PhD £3,996 £17,340
All other courses PhD £3,996 £13,470
All courses DPP £3,996 £13,470
All courses DPM £3,996 £13,470

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Veterinary Medicine & Science

CodeTitleQualificationHEU FeesInternational Fees
All courses MRes £3,996 *
All courses MPhil £3,996 *
All courses PhD £3,996 *
All courses MVM £3,996 *
All courses MVS £3,996 *
All courses DVetMed £3,996 *
All courses DVetSurg £3,996 *


* International Fees will be charged as follows: low-cost research - £17,340; laboratory-based research - £21,650; high cost laboratory-based research - £25,690; exceptional technically-intensive/specialised research projects with high consumable costs - £31,750.

Please contact the School for further advice on the fee level applicable to your area of research

Tel: +44 (0) 115 951 6464; Email:

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For details about who to contact for queries regarding student tuition fees and financial support, please visit the Student Finance contact us page.