A RISE Project
University of Nottingham

FutForm - A RISE Project


Abiel - A FutForm Project Partner




Abiel s.r.l. is an Italian biotechnology SME established in 2010 as a spin-off of the National Council ofResearch (C.N.R.) and the University of Palermo. The company is committed to R&D, production and commercialisation of high quality lytic enzymes for regenerative medicine and cell therapy applications.Abiel’s operating office is located in Palermo at Consorzio Arca, the main business accelerator in Sicily.

The company has a direct commercialisation system towards customers worldwide and an international scientific cooperation network. Abiel’s production and R&D facilities are located at University of Palermo, where the company synthesizes and produces in pre-industrial scale research premium grade recombinant collagenases.

Fully equipped biochemistry and cell culture laboratories will be available for this project. 

Visit Abiel's Website

To find out more about the other Project Partners please see the respective Company/Institution pages:



RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions


Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) funds short-term exchanges for staff to develop careers combining scientific excellence with exposure to other countries and sectors. RISE enables more interaction between academia and non-academic organisations within Europe and worldwide.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, named after the double Nobel Prize winning Polish-French scientist famed for her work on radioactivity, support researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality. Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to 'blue-sky' science, are eligible for funding.

The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances employability and career development.

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FutForm - A RISE Project

Email: futformrise@nottingham.ac.uk