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Antonio José de Sucre

Other names/titles:
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

Born in 1795, he is portrayed by Daniel Florence O'Leary as "of good family. His education neglected, but his talents good." (Humphreys, 37)

Lynch describes him as Bolívar's "most talented and faithful commander". He held power in Quito and Peru and was the first president of Bolivia, 1826-28. He was assassinated in Southern Colombia in 1830. (Lynch, xxii)

He was a mason (Racine, 538)

He was a Colombian who supported the creation of a national theatre after independence. (Arciniegas, 690.)

Life Events

Born 1795
Other 1824On 10 December 1824 he wrote to Bolívar recommending Manuela Sáenz for promotion due to her conduct at the battle of Ayacucho.
Other 1826He was President of Bolivia, 1826-28.
Died 1830


Arciniegas, Germán, (1988), Manuel de literatura colombiana

Humphreys, R. A., (1969), The ´Detached Recollections' of General D. F. O'Leary

Lynch, John, (1986), The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826

Werner, Michael S., (1997), Encyclopedia of Mexico

Lecuna, Vicente, (1924), Documentos referentes a la creación de Bolivia, Vol. 2


Letter: Carta a Bolívar

Letter: Carta a Bolívar


Resource id #35 (21)

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Gendering Latin American Independence

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