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Ignacio de la Carrera Cuevas

Other names/titles:
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

The Carrera family could trace their ancestors back to the conquistadores. He was elected to the junta of Chile, as a moderate in 1811. He was "fair minded, staid and respected". (Clissard, 92 )

From Santiago de Chile, he was the brother of Damiana Carrera y Cuevas, and father of Javiera, José Miguel, Juan José, and Luis Carrera. He was in correspondence with Javiera and Ana Cotapos. (Silva Castro, Cartas, 27-28)

He was imprisoned in 1814 and held until 1817 on Isla Juan Fernández. He died shortly after his release. (

Life Events

Born 1747
Other 1811He was elected to the leading junta of Chile as a moderate.
Other 1814He was imprisoned on Isla Juan Fernandez.
Other 1817His sons Juan José and Luis were executed.
Other 1817He wrote to Javeira Carrera in reply to her news of his sons.
Died 1817He died after his imprisonment on Isla Juan Fernández.
Other 1821His son José Miguel was executed.


Silva Castro, Raúl, (1954), Cartas chilenas (Siglos XVIII y XIX)

Clissold, Stephen, (1968), Bernardo O'Higgins and the Independence of Chile

Davies, Catherine, Brewster, Claire and Owen, Hilary, (2006), South American Independence. Gender, Politics, Text


Letter: Carta

Letter: Carta

Letter: Carta


Resource id #37 (15)

Resource id #41 (11)

Resource id #45 (127)

Gendering Latin American Independence

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