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José Mármol

Other names/titles:
Gender: M
Ethnic origin: White

Biographical details

1818-1881 Argentina. A novelist born in 1818, he was a member of the "Generation of 37", who was opposed to Rosas. According to Katra, this was an opposition that was linked to racial superiority typical of their class at that time: Rosas’s popularity among the mestizos, pardos and blacks was seen as distasteful, the barbarian element that kept him in power. This was not a major cause, but had an impact on their attitude towards Rosas. (Katra, 30.)

His novel, Amalia, was serialised in 1844. (Pratt, 54-57.)

Knaster claims that his main interest seems to have been in women's love affairs. (Knaster, 79.)

He was imprisoned by Rosas as a conspirator around 1838. His novel, Amalia, was about Rosas's crimes and the vulgarity of Buenos Aires women. In one scene, Rosas makes his daughter kiss a drunken black man to prove his democratic ideals. The book was popular in Europe. He also wrote El Peregrino, a long poem, and two plays, El Cruzado and El Poeta. He was listed among the "romantic" exiled Argentine community in Montevideo. (Coester, 114-116)

Life Events

Born 1818
Other 1838He was imprisoned by Rosas around 1838.
Other 1844His novel, Amalia, was serialised.
Died 1881


Katre, William H., (1996), The Argentine Generation of 37, Echeverría, Alberdi, Sarmiento, Mitre

Bergmann, Emilie; Masiello, Francine; Miller, Francesca; Pratt, Mary Louise; Greenberg, Janet., (1990), Women, Culture and Politics in Latin America

Knaster, Meri, (1977), Women in Spanish America: An Annotated Bibliography from Pre-Conquest to Contemporary Times

Coester, Alfred, (1919), The Literary History of Spanish America

R.O. Jones, (1973), Spanish American Literature Since Independence


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Gendering Latin American Independence

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