Gendering Latin American Independence
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Chepe mío


Writing Type: Letter


Letter said to be from Bastidas, Tungasuca, 6 de dic de 1780, reproduced by Burnoncle. In it she berates Túpac Amaru for dallying in the Yauri villages instead of marching to join with other rebel groups. She voices her fear that their followers will get bored and if they return to their homes, their movement will be jeopardised and leaving their family's lives in danger. The letter revels Bastidas's role in the rebellion; her knowledge of the movements of their allies and those of their enemies.

Keywords: Bastidas, Túpac Amaru, Yauri

Archive: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú

Location Details: Jorge Cornejo Bournoncle, Sangre Andina, diez mujeres cuzqueñas, H.G. Rozas, Cuzco, 1949, pp.53-54 .

Gendering Latin American Independence

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