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Discurso sobre el destino que debe darse á la gente vaga que tiene Lima


Writing Type: Newspaper article


He notes that for "el otro sexo", Spanish women are protected by their husbands and families, the rest can work as seamstresses, or other different intelligent ways of earning a living; many are sustained by piety in convents or houses, Some because they lack the patience to tolerate their deficiencies, and perhaps the hope of becoming nuns or getting married. Describes the splendour and opulence of women based on the dominion they commonly enjoy over men. In cold countries women are Señoras of men, free in the temperate zones and slaves in the hot ones. He then looks into the origins of this philosophy.

Keywords: Women, nuns, society

Publisher: Mercurio Peruano, February 1794.

Archive: Instituto Riva-Agüero, Lima

Location Details: Mercurio Peruano, Tomo X, pp.116-132. No.326, 16 de feb de 1794, No.327, 20 de feb de 1794, and No.328, 23 de feb de 1794.

Gendering Latin American Independence

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