School of Geography

Vicky Ramshaw

Vicky RamshawSubject: Geography
Graduated: 2015

Place of work: Tesco Stores Limited
Position: Procurement Manager

What made you choose to study geography at the University?

I became really interested in geography at school, taking it forward as one of my subjects at A level. I found it really tough to pinpoint what I wanted to do long term as a career but knew I wanted to go to University and identified geography as a fantastic degree with plenty of opportunities to develop skills I could transfer into any career.

I highlighted the University of Nottingham as one of the top universities for geography through their commitment to active academic studies and really vast knowledge base of staff - you're being taught by and engaging with world class experts in their field, an opportunity you'll rarely get!

The facilities and modules available are fantastic and I really fell in love with the green and sustainable campus when I first visited.

What skills did you acquire during this time?

My degree equipped me with so many transferable skills - the ability to identify a research topic, collect and analyse data both quantitatively and qualitatively; communication skills working in groups and in tutorials with lectures; and most of all time management skills as a lot of the course is independent study, you really learn how you work best and how to utilise that to use your time efficiently!

What are your fondest memories from your time at the school?

School trips! We had some fantastic geography trips all over the UK which really inspired my passion for geography... even when we were soaked to the skin with my teacher shouting "look everyone, you're SEEING geography!"

Where are you working now and what does the role involve?

I'm currently in my final year on the Procurement graduate scheme at Tesco. Procurement involves buying goods and services not for resale - the goods and services that help the business run profitably and ethically.

A large part of my role is therefore running tenders and negotiations but also managing a large internal stakeholder and external supply base and developing these partnerships. It's a fast paced and exciting area and allows you visibility of pretty much the whole of our business from head office to distribution!

What advice would you give to someone considering following a similar career path?

I know how much pressure there is to know what you want to do and find the perfect job straight away. If you do fantastic, but if you don't then understanding what you don't want from a career is just as much a vital part of your journey!

I'd honestly say it's important to just get stuck in, use every opportunity at university to get to know yourself... what aspects you like/don't like and try and get as much extracurricular/work experience as you can. Everything you do is narrowing down what exactly you're looking for in a career and employers want to see that you know yourself, what you want and can demonstrate you've got the drive and passion to get there!



School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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