University of Nottingham  

Project Outcomes

A large number of difficulties, expected and unexpected, have been overcome in carrying out the project. The advanced philosophy and practical experience have been transferred successfully from the UK Foresight Future Flooding project to the Taihu project. An initial framework of flood risk scenario analysis technology has been formulated that provides a sound foundation for further work including Responses analysis. The China-UK Scientific Co-operation project has so far proved a highly effective means of communicating UK developments in flood risk assessment, adapting methods and concepts, and addressing the different sets of flood risk drivers and responses which are relevant to the Taihu Basin. This has been achieved primarily through the establishment of networks of research partners and the bringing together of stakeholders from national and local government, academic institutions and research institutes. With further effort the practicability of the Taihu Basin Flood Risk System can be enhanced in further phases of the work, taking into full account the complexity of the flooding system in the basin.

Research and management outcomes include:

  • Shift of flood risk management concepts and strategy in order to reconcile floodwater utilisation and reduction of flood damage.
  • Planning recommendations for structural and non-structural measures which may help to alleviate regional conflicts of interest in flood management.
  • Policy recommendations for reducing development activities in the basin which may increase flood risk.
  • Application of advanced technology and international research methods to aid the Decision Support System
  • Capacity building within the context of flood risk management and emergency response.