SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., CLIFF, A.D. and THE COVID-19 GENOMICS UK (COG-UK) CONSORTIUM, 2022. Spatial Growth Rate of Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in England, September 2020–December 2021 medRxiv. JEWITT, S.L., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., BINAYA, K.C., ROBINSON, B., ADHIKARI, P., EVANS, C., KARMACHARYA, B. and COLTON, C., 2022. Domesticating cleaner cookstoves for improved respiratory health. Using approaches from the sanitation sector to explore the adoption and sustained use of improved cooking technologies in Nepal. Social Science and Medicine. 308, 115201 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., 2022. Tracking a pandemic: the global diffusion of COVID-19 Geography Review Magazine. 36, 26-30
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and CLIFF, A.D., 2021. Eight centuries of epidemic and pandemic control. In: ANDREWS, G., PEARCE, J., CROOKS, V. and MESSINA, J., eds., COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Geographical Perspectives, Issues and Agendas Springer. 61-69 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and CLIFF, A.D., 2020. Pandemic influenza and Covid-19: geographical velocity and control Significance: Official Magazine of the Royal Statistical Society and the American Statistical Association (ASA). SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and CLIFF, A.D., 2018. Atlas of Refugees, Displaced Populations and Epidemic Disease: Decoding Geographical Patterns and Processes since 1901 First. Oxford University Press.
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., CLIFF, A.D. and BARFORD, A., 2015. Geographical perspectives on epidemic transmission of cholera in Haiti, October 2010–March 2013 Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 105(4), 665-83 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 2014. Featured graphic. Enteric fever in Belfast Environment and Planning A. 46(6), 1267-1269 CLIFF, A.D. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., 2013. Geographical Aspects of Infectious Disease Control: From Medieval Quarantine to Global Eradication Oxford University Press.
SHANKS, G., WALLER, M. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 2013. Spatiotemporal patterns of pandemic influenza-related deaths in Allied naval forces during 1918 Epidemiology and Infection. 141(10), 2205-12 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and CLIFF, A.D., 2012. Atlas of epidemic Britain: A twentieth century picture 1st. Oxford University Press.
CLIFF, A.D., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., HAGGETT, P., STROUP, D.E. and THACKER, S.B., 2009. Infectious diseases: emergence and re-emergence: a geographical analysis Oxford University Press.
CLIFF, A.D, SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R and STEVENS, P.M., 2009. Controlling the Geographical Spread of Infectious Disease: Plague in Italy, 1347–1850 Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica. 7(2), 197-236
CLIFF, ANDREW D, HAGGETT, PETER and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, MATTHEW, 2008. An exploratory method for estimating the changing speed of epidemic waves from historical data. International Journal of Epidemiology. 37(1), 106-12 CLIFF, A.D, HAGGETT, P and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., 2007. Island Epidemiology. In: G. BALDACCHINO, ed., A World of Islands: An Island Studies Reader Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island. 267-291
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and CLIFF, A.D., 2007. Avian influenza A (H5N1) age distribution in humans Emerging Infectious Diseases. 13(3), 510-512
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., CLIFF, A.D., TREVELYAN, B., NETTLETON, C. and SNEDDON, S., 2006. Poliomyelitis: a world geography Oxford: Oxford University Press.
TREVELYAN, B., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A. D., 2005. The spatial structure of epidemic emergence: geographical aspects of poliomyelitis in north-eastern USA, July-October 1916 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society). 168(4), 701-722 TREVELYAN, B., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A.D., 2005. The spatial dynamics of poliomyelitis in the USA: from epidemic emergence to vaccine-induced retreat, 1910-71 Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 92, 269-93 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and CLIFF, A.D., 2004. War epidemics: an historical geography of infectious diseases in military conflict and civil strife, 1850-2000 Oxford: Oxford University Press.
CLIFF, A., HAGGETT, P. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., 2004. World atlas of epidemic diseases London: Arnold.
MUIR, K., RATTANAMONGKOLGUL, S., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., THOMAS, M., DOWNER, S. and JENKINSON, C., 2004. Breast cancer incidence and its possible spatial association with pesticide application in two counties of England Public Health. VOL 118(NUMBER 7), 513-520 LOW-BEER, D., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A., 2004. Disease and Death in the South African War: Changing Disease Patterns from Soldiers to Refugees Social History of Medicine. VOL 17(NUMBER 2), 223-245 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. R. and CLIFF, A. D., 2004. Impact of Infectious Diseases on War Infectious Disease Clinics of North America. VOL 18(NUMB 2), 341-368 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., 2003. War and Disease: Some Perspectives on the Spatial and Temporal Occurence of Tuberculosis in Wartime. In: The Return of the White Plague: Global Poverty and the 'New' Tuberculosis 70-92
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., JOHNSON, N. and CLIFF, A. D., 2002. The spatial anatomy of an epidemic: influenza in London and the county boroughs of England and Wales, 1918-1919 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series. VOL 27(PART 4), 452-470 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A. D., 2002. The Geographical Transmission of Smallpox in the Franco-Prussian War: Prisoner of War Camps and Their Impact upon Epidemic Diffusion Processes in the Civil Settlement System of Prussia, 1870-71 Medical History. VOL 46(PART 2), 241-264
MUIR, K., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and ANDREWS, P., 2000. No evidence of childhood cancer associated with TV transmitter Journal of Public Health Medicine.
CLIFF, A.D., HAGGETT, I. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 2000. Island Epidemics Oxford University Press, Oxford.
MUIR, K., THOMAS, M., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R. and RATTANAMONGKOLGUL, S., 2000. Spatial patterns of breast cancer incidence and their possible association with pesticide application in Lincolnshire and Leicestershire British Journal of Cancer.
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and PHILLIPS, D., 1999. Socio-spatial variations in health. In: Applied Geography: An Introduction to Useful Research in Physical, Environmental and Human Geography Routledge, London and New York. 425-437
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M.R., CLIFF, A.D., HAGGETT, P., STROUP, D. and WILLIAMSON, G.D., 1999. The US National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). Spatial and temporal patterns in final amendments to provisional disease counts: the examples of hepatitis A and B, 1980-92 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 5, 68-88
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and PHILLIPS, D., 1999. Late stages of epidemiological transition: health status in the developed world Health & Place. VOL 5(NUMBER 3), 209-222 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A. D., 1999. The spatial dynamics of epidemic diseases in war and peace: Cuba and the insurrection against Spain, 1895-98 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series. VOL 24(NUMBER 3), 331-352 MCNALLY, N.J., WILLIAMS, H.C., PHILLIPS, D.R., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., LEWIS, S., VENN, A. and BRITTON, J., 1998. Atopic eczema and domestic water hardness Lancet. 352(9127), 527-531 CLIFF, A.D., HAGGET, P. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 1998. Deciphering Global Epidemics: Analytical Approaches tot he Disease Records of World Cities,1888-1912, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
CLIFF, A.D., HAGGETT, P. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 1998. Detecting space-time patterns in geocoded disease data: cholera in London, 1854, and measles in the United States, 1962-95. In: Geomed '97: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geomedical Systems 13-42
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and PHILLIPS, D.R., 1997. The late stages of epidemiological transition: health status in the developed world In: Deutscher Geographentag, Bonn. 3
CLIFF, A. D., HAGGETT, P., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., STROUP, D. F. and WILLIAMSON, G. D., 1997. The importance of long-term records in public health surveillance: the US weekly sanitary reports, 1888-1912, revisited Journal of Public Health Medicine. VOL 19(NUMBER 1), 76-84 CLIFF, A. D., HAGGETT, P., SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. R. and STROUP, D. F., 1995. The application of multidimensional scaling methods to epidemiological data Statistical Methods in Medical Research. VOL 4(NUMBER 2), 102
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 1995. AIDS in neighbourhoods of San Francisco: some geographical observations on the first decade of a local area epidemic. In: Diffusing Geography: Essays for Peter Haggett 168-198
CLIFF, A.D., HAGGETT, P. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 1993. Measles: An Historical Geography of a Major Human Viral Disease, from Global Expansion to Local Retreat, 1840-1990 Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, New York.
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., CLIFF, A.D. and HAGGETT, P., 1992. London International Atlas of AIDS Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, New York.
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A.D., 1992. Seasonality in tropical AIDS: a geographical analysis International Journal of Epidemiology. 21, 547-556 CLIFF, A.D. and SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M., 1992. The AIDS pandemic: global geographical patterns and local spread processes Geographical Journal. 158, 182-198 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A.D., 1991. Civil war anmd the spread of AIDS in central Africa Epidemiology and Infection. 107, 69-80
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A.D., 1991. The spread of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 into Europe: a geographical analysis International Journal of Epidemiology. 20, 480-89 SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A.D., 1990. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS): literature, geographical origins and global patterns Progress in Human Geography. 14, 157-213
SMALLMAN-RAYNOR, M. and CLIFF, A.D., 1990. The global spread of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2). In: Spatial Epidemiology 139-182