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Reports written by or quoting GEP's Professor Shujie Yao
Foreign Direct Investment, Pollution and Economic Growth: Evidence from Malaysia by Chew Ging Lee South East Asia's tiger economies should prize the long-term health of their environment above the ongoing short-term gains provided by foreign firms that pollute.
Ageing, births and attitudes towards immigration Evidence from two transition economies by Tom Ivlevs Labour immigration is often proposed as a tool to ensure pension system sustainability in ageing societies but immigration often provokes controversy and tension in the host country. Ivlevs shows how attitudes towards immigrants are mellowing in parts of two European countries as older residents become more aware of pension financing problems - and see the new immigrants as key to their economic security in retirement.
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on New Firm Survival in the UK: Evidence for Static v. Dynamic Industries by Andrew Burke, Holger Görg and Aoife Hanley Multinationals are killing some of Britain’s most promising start-ups. This research shows that the presence of multinationals in the UK increases significantly the chances of an enterprising new business going bust in its first year.
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