
Committees of Senate

Education and Student Experience Committee

Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience
Secretary: Governance Manager

Promotions Committees

Promotions Committee (Level 7)

Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Secretary: Director of Human Resources

Promotions Committee (Level 6)

Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Secretary: Director of Human Resources

Promotions Committee (Level 4/5)

Chair: Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Secretary: Faculty HR Business Partner

Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee

Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange
Secretary: Governance Manager

University Research Integrity and Research Ethics Committee

Chair: Professor Penny Gowland
Secretary: Head of Research Integrity, Governance and Compliance

Senate Disciplinary Committee

Chair: Professor Phil Shipway
Secretary: The Registrar will appoint a member of their staff to act as Secretary to the Committee


Details of the full membership and terms of reference of the main University committees are also available.



Registrar's Office

Trent Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 115 951 5761
fax: +44 115 951 5739