
Ordinance II: The Officers of Council

  1. There shall be four Officers of University Council and their membership of Council will be by virtue of being appointed to those Offices.
  2. These Officers will be: A Pro-Chancellor who is also Chair of Council, a second Pro-Chancellor, the Vice-Chair of Council and the Treasurer of Council.
  3. When elected an Officer shall hold office for four years.  All retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election.  Officers shall not serve for more than two consecutive four-year periods unless the Council shall determine otherwise by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present.  Any previous service as an ordinary member of Council is disregarded for the purpose of calculating terms.
  4. The Officers shall perform such duties as may be determined by the Council.
  5. An Officer may be elected to another Officer post for a maximum of two further four-year periods from the point of appointment.
  6. An Officer may resign by writing addressed to the Council.


(amendments approved 1 August 2016 and 4 July 2017)


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