
Ordinance IV: Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors

  1. Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall from time to time be appointed by the President and Vice-Chancellor subject to report to Council.  The President and Vice-Chancellor may appoint one of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors as Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
  2. Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall hold office for such periods and upon such conditions as are described in their letter of appointment.
  3. Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall assist the President and Vice-Chancellor in such matters as the President and Vice-Chancellor may from time to time entrust to them.
  4. Other than in the circumstances referred to in Statute 3.3, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall act for the President and Vice-Chancellor during the absence of the President and Vice-Chancellor.  In the absence of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the President and Vice-Chancellor may designate from amongst the Pro-Vice-Chancellors one who shall act during the absence of the President and Vice-Chancellor.
  5. Pro-Vice-Chancellors shall be eligible for re-appointment.


(amendments approved July 2017)

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