
Ordinance XX: The University of Nottingham Alumni Association

  1. All graduates of the University (including former students who have successfully completed non-degree courses at the University including Diplomates, Certificands, Junior Year Abroad students, Occasional Studies students and Staff with PGCHE and PGCAP qualifications), Honorary Graduates of the University, Officers of Council and the University and other alumni of the University as shall be determined by the Council of the University shall be registered as full members of the University of Nottingham Alumni Association.  Alumni who do not wish to be members of the University of Nottingham Alumni Association are able to opt-out and are recorded as such in the register.
  2. All current members of the academic staff of the University shall be registered as associate members of the University of Nottingham Alumni Association.
  3. The register of full members of the University of Nottingham Alumni Association shall be kept by the Campaign and Alumni Relations Office, who shall be responsible for the recording and maintenance of records in line with University policies.  The records of members of the academic staff of the University kept by the Registrar shall, in the case of such persons, be deemed for the purposes of this Ordinance, to be part of such register.
  4. The role of the University of Nottingham Alumni Association shall be:
    1. to act as the organisational body for alumni
    2. to support good relations between its members and the University.
  5. Membership

    The University of Nottingham Alumni Association shall consist (subject to the provisions of the paragraph below) of the following members:

    The Officers of the University and the Officers of the University Council;
    The Graduates of the University;
    Other alumni as may be determined from time to time by the Council;
    Honorary Graduates of the University.
    1. The academic staff of the University shall be associate members of the University of Nottingham Alumni Association provided that any such person who also qualifies under sub-paragraph (1) above shall be treated as a full member in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) and not as an associate member.


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