Ordinance XXII: The Students' Union
- As part of the University there shall be a Union of Students to be known as the University of Nottingham Students' Union (hereinafter called the Students' Union) with the object of the advancement of education of students at the University for the public benefit by:
- Promoting the interests and welfare of students at the University during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising members;
- Being the recognised representative channel between students and the University and any other external bodies; and
- Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its members.
- Regulations shall be prepared by the Students' Union for the furtherance of the aims of the Students' Union, which regulations and any alteration or abrogation thereof shall be of effect and binding on all members of the Students' Union immediately upon receiving the approval of the Council of the University. The regulations shall provide inter alia for General Meetings of the Students' Union, for the election of officers, for the election of a Union Council and Standing Committees, and for affiliation of Students' Societies and Athletic Clubs to the Students' Union. The regulations shall prescribe the rights and privileges of the categories of membership set out in paragraph 3.
- The membership of the Students' Union shall be as follows:
- Full members
- Every full-time undergraduate and postgraduate and every other full-time registered student shall be a full member of the Students' Union
- Part-time students and intercalating students shall be full members of the Students' Union
- Sabbatical officers of the Students' Union shall be full members of the Students' Union so long as they hold office.
- Associate membership of the Students' Union may be granted at the discretion of the Trustees on an annual basis or for life and upon payment of the appropriate fee to:
- Any past full member of the Students' Union;
- Any member of the staff and any employee of the University;
- Selected individuals who, under recommendation from an Executive Officer or an affiliated or constituent body of the Students' Union will considerably benefit the membership of the Students' Union by their participation in activities.
The rights accorded to Associate Members shall be governed by the Articles of Association of the Students' Union. Participation in the Students' Union electoral processes shall be restricted to those holding Full Membership in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Students' Union.
- Honorary membership of the Students' Union shall be granted to members of the Ordo Caligulae and to such persons as the Union Council may from time to time elect.
- A student not wishing to be a full member of the Students' Union may, upon giving due notice in the appropriate form, exercise their right not to be a member. Any student who elects not to be a member may use the facilities and services provided by the Students' Union including membership of its subordinate bodies but may not exercise the rights of membership including standing for office and voting in elections or referenda or at general meetings.
- Upon registration with the University Full Members shall provide a Guarantee for the liabilities of the Students' Union for the whole time that they are students at the University and for the year following.
- The powers of the Students' Union as set out in its Memorandum of Association shall be exercised by a Board of Trustees.
- The functions of the Union Council, subject to the Articles of Association and Rules of the Students' Union, shall be to represent the voice of the students; to set the policy of the Students' Union and refer such policy to Referenda; to have the authority together with the Board of Trustees to make, repeal or alter the Rules; to establish, maintain, regulate or remove subordinate bodies; to review and approve affiliations of the Students' Union in accordance with the Education Act.
- The accounts of the Students' Union shall at the end of each financial year be audited by a public accountant in the active practice of his or her profession, and a copy of the accounts, signed by the auditor, shall be submitted to the Council of the University.
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