School of Health Sciences

International student's journey from Sierre Leone to Nottingham


Postgraduate student Isata Victoria Mandoh from Sierre Leone had a dream of becoming an Advanced Level Nurse. To help fulfill her dream Isata had applied for a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship and received the award. She describes it as being the “best thing that ever happened to me”.

Here are Isata’s reasons for choosing the University “The primary reason for choosing The University of Nottingham for my postgraduate studies was because of its world class ranking, the international student friendly environment here, and most of all, because of the scholarship opportunities that the university offers, without which my dream of a master’s degree in Advanced Nursing Studies would have been just a dream. From all that I researched about the University, and based on what I have experienced since I arrived, it is my candid opinion that this unique University has not been celebrated as it deserves and that the uniqueness of this great University has been underrated”.

Isata recognized the many benefits the University offers from support facilities, social aspects and not to mention the scenic surroundings which made her time at the University truly memorable. 

To read more about Isata's time at The School of Health Sciences, visit her blog.  

Posted on Friday 19th February 2016

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559