School of Health Sciences

Designing E-Learning for Health, a Massive Open Online Course


A new open access online course has been developed by the Universities Health, E-Learning and Media Team (HELM) and is hosted on the UK’s multi-institutional platform FutureLearn.  

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is the first MOOC to be developed by The School of Health Sciences. The course is also the first of it's kind to be developed by FutureLearn. 

Designing E-Learning for Health’ is a 5 week course which is designed for healthcare teachers to create their own tailor-made e-learning resource for their particular area of study . The course is free to access and anyone is welcome to sign up regardless of educational background or level of knowledge in the area.  All you need is up to three hours per week and have an interest in e-learning.  

Professor Heather Wharrad said: “The course is based on an accessible approach to creating high quality e-learning resources that we have been using and developing over the last 10 years. We have used it to develop over 200 resources that are now being used worldwide.”

To find out more information about the course and to sign up visit the FutureLearn website. 


Posted on Thursday 26th November 2015

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559