School of Health Sciences

School top for National Student Survey (NSS) response rates


The School of Health Sciences would like to thank all final year students for efforts in participating in the latest National Student Survey (NSS). The School achieved fantastic response rates and our students have helped us to receive the position of top ranking School within the University in relation to NSS response. 

Midwifery was the top-responding department in the entire University and the School has four courses in the top 10 responding courses across the University. What a great result! We are also delighted to announce that all of our courses hit the target 65% response rate to make them eligible for a charity donation. 

NSS is a census of students in the final year of a course leading to undergraduate credits or qualifications. The survey covers all aspects of the student experience and is an opportunity for students to give opinions on what they liked about their time on their course as well as things that could have been improved where necessary. NSS is about putting the student experience at the front and centre in terms of the University's and School's mission and being absolutely clear that we are utterly, totally committed to providing the best student experience and the best possible learning and teaching. 

The fabulous response rate will ensure that the feedback we receive will be a much better reflection of the student experience and we will therefore be able to make more informed decisions about where and how to change our learning and teaching practice. The quality of teaching, facilities and the student experience will all be considered. The School will be providing regular updates to you on our progress towards addressing the issues that you raise so that you can be assured we are resolving difficulties you encounter.

Jo Lymn as Director of Learning and Teaching, said "The School of Health Sciences takes learning and teaching very seriously. It is our mission to provide the best possible learning experience to every one of our students. I am incredibly proud of our students and staff for their commitment to, and engagement with, NSS this year. The response rate has been fantastic and I am looking forward to being able to use the results to help shape our educational strategies for the future."

Posted on Wednesday 21st May 2014

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559