School of Health Sciences

Pop-up Research Cafe 2015


Members of the Maternal, Child and Public Health Research Group participated in a University of Nottingham Research Café on 20-21 August 2015.

The event was led by members of the School of Psychology and included a range of activities for members of the public, including opportunities to participate in research studies about emotions and drinking and coping and wellbeing, as well as experience multisensory illusions in which the public could participate. 

We took the opportunity to provide information about the Nottingham Maternity Research Network, (a public involvement group that informs our research) and to talk informally about current and planned studies. There was a steady flow of visitors throughout the two days and we enjoyed this great opportunity to talk about our work with members of the public, who came from Nottingham and much further afield. The event featured in the Nottingham Post. 

Over the coming weeks we will be following up with people who expressed an interest in our Network and evaluating the impact of this initiative on the membership

Anita Hughes, Julie Roberts and Helen Spiby


Posted on Friday 2nd October 2015

School of Health Sciences

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Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

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