School of Health Sciences

Research Excellence Framework Results 2014


The School of Health Sciences has been recognised as a leading environment for world class research according to the Research Excellence Framework results of 2014.

The Research Excellence Framework (REF), a national assessment of research quality which measures the output, impact and environment of institutions and departments involved in research, rated 86% of our research activity as ‘Internationally Excellent’. The school has seen a 35% improvement in the quality of research undertaken in the past five years, work which was recognised by the REF as having made a positive contribution to people’s health and wellbeing. Research ranked 5th best in terms of research power, a measure which includes the quality of research and the number of active research staff. The school also performed well internally, having been placed in the top ten performing departments across the university.’

Professor Patrick Callaghan, Head of the School of Health Sciences commented, ‘These results are excellent and confirm our place as a leading research centre. It is especially gratifying to see the improvements in the past five years and to note the outstanding result from our impact case studies which shows our research is helping individuals and communities transform their health and wellbeing, a key part of our mission.’


Posted on Tuesday 6th January 2015

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559