School of Health Sciences

Nursing student Victoria Lonsdale wins Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs Award at Student Nursing Times Awards 2013


The deserving winners of the 2013 Student Nursing Times Awards were announced on Wednesday 1 May 2013 at The Grange, St Paul's, London.

In its second year, there were double the number of entries and over 400 talented student nurses, education providers, and mentors in the room.

The who’s who of nursing were in the room to help celebrate with our finalists, including Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, Viv Bennett, Director of Nursing, Department of Health and Public Health England and Peter Carter, General Secretary and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing..

Victoria Lonsdale of The University of Nottingham won the award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs, for her ongoing commitment and dedication to improving experiences and facilities available to student nurses at The University of Nottingham. She was presented her award by Peter Carter, General Secretary and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Nursing, who sponsor the award.

The Editor of Nursing Times, Jenni Middleton, said:

"Following the Government's response to the Francis Report into care failings at Mid Staffordshire Trust, student nurse education came into the spotlight, especially with the suggestion that students should work for a year as a healthcare assistant.

“Now in their second year, the Student Nursing Times Awards are testament to the excellent standard of education for nurses in the UK. The lecturers teaching students are inspiring and passionate, those organisations and mentors shaping the practical skills of nurses in placements are professional and committed and the students who are being trained are dedicated and skilled. These awards are about the future of nursing, and if nursing is in the hands of these students, today’s shortlist and finalists show that nursing is in very safe hands."

The Student Nursing Times Awards the Awards are designed to celebrate outstanding training and support to student nurses.

View more information on the Student Nursing Times Awards.

Posted on Friday 26th July 2013

School of Health Sciences

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