School of Health Sciences

School recognised for staff Work, Health and Wellbeing programme


The School of Health Sciences has been acknowledged for its Work, Health and Wellbeing Programme for staff members. 

This pioneering programme was the first of its kind at the University, and is led by Associate Professor, Dr Holly Blake, supported by a committee of staff from various grades and roles. The programme is now being used as a case example for best practice by the British Heart Foundations Health at Work programme and is showcased by The Healthy Universities Network. The School has also recently been awarded the Bronze Award in the Nottinghamshire County Wellbeing at Work Award Place Scheme.

The School values the health and wellbeing of its staff. Dr Holly Blake said, "We invite staff to raise issues that affect their wellbeing in the workplace, then build strategies for addressing them through the programme".

Staff in the School can benefit from a website and online training materials giving them access to resources and signposting around workplace health. The programme has included a range of initiatives to support physical and mental wellbeing of staff at work. These include regular health promotion campaigns, exercise and diet schemes, health screening, social activities and community events. Training has been provided in managing stress, coping with change at work, and building resilience. Other services offered to staff have included relaxation, mindfulness and coaching sessions. 

Posted on Friday 8th January 2016

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559