School of Health Sciences

Image of Fiona Moffatt

Fiona Moffatt

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Fiona obtained a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physiotherapy from the University of Manchester in 1991. She subsequently completed an M.Sc. in Physiology at University College London in 1997. Fiona's clinical expertise is the management of the acutely ill adult and patients with cardio-respiratory dysfunction. She is the co-author of a textbook and chapters in this field. Fiona has also worked as an extended scope practitioner within a Critical Care Outreach Team.

In October 2010, Fiona commenced a PhD jointly funded by The Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness and The University of Nottingham. The PhD explored how contemporary UK policy discourse constructed the rights and responsibilities of healthcare professionals in terms of productive healthcare, how this is made manifest in practice, and the implications for professional autonomy/identity. The thesis is titled "Working the production line: Productivity and professional identity in the emergency department". The PhD was awarded in March 2014.

Fiona's post-doctoral work has focused on a range of topics including: Management of musculoskeletal pain, First Contact Physiotherapy, Health Service Delivery, Physical Activity (particularly in the aquatic environment).

Fiona is currently the Director of Postgraduate Research for the School of Health Sciences.

Expertise Summary

  • Qualitative methodologies
  • Ethnography
  • Implementation Science
  • First Contact Physiotherapy
  • Swimming and aquatic exercise to promote health

Teaching Summary

Fiona delivers the Continuing Professional Development module in year 1 of the Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation B.Sc. Programme. She also co-convenes a module on Exercise and Sport in Specific… read more

Research Summary

Fiona's research interests include: physical activity; management of musculoskeletal pain; First Contact Physiotherapy; sociology of the healthcare professions; healthcare organisational sociology;… read more

Selected Publications

School of Health Sciences

B236, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2HA

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15559