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Health E-Learning and Media Team

The role of General Practitioners in ADHD diagnosis and management

7. Pathway to diagnosis and treatment

Here's a diagram detailing the patient’s journey to diagnosis and access to care. This is a broad representation about the ADHD journey. Referral and treatment pathways for ADHD are complex and not the same within every Clinical Commissioning Groups(CCG). Specific secondary care services will differ widely from one area to another. In some areas, child diagnoses are the sole responsibility of community paediatricians or CAMHS, in other areas this responsibility is shared. Specific waiting times will also widely differ, often reaching months before a diagnosis.

Whilst clinical services for children with ADHD are commonly available in the UK, adult service provision is more patchy. This is particularly problematic for children approaching the age of 18 in areas where there are no adult services. These need commissioning.

(As services vary so widely across the UK), it is not possible for us to be able to inform you about each local structure of care provision for ADHD. It is therefore important for each GP to know and understand local referral and management procedures.

The diagram details the patient’s journey to diagnosis and access to care and both videos explain in detail what happens in secondary care once the referral is sent.

Pathways and journey graphic
Dr Alinda Gillott
Adult services
Nurse Joe Kilgariff
Child services