
Please select any of the folllowing buttons to view further information related to this learning resource.


  • Acid: any substance that donates H+ ions; A solution that contains more H+ than OH- ions
  • Base: any substance that removes free H+ from a solution 
  • Alkali: any substance that donates OH- ions into a solution; A solution that contains more OH- than H+ ions
  • pH: the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution
  • Acidic: a solution containing excess H+ ions; a solution with a pH less than 7
  • Alkaline: a solution containing fewer H+ than OH- ions; a solution with a pH greater than 7
  • Neutral: a solution where there are exactly the same number of H+ and OH- ions
  • Dissociation: molecules in solution break apart into ions and then re-form again
  • Buffer: a molecule that can both accept H+ and donate that H+ ions
  • Denaturation: alteration of a molecule's shape and structure leading to loss of function following rearrangement of its atoms
  • Neutralisation: combination of an acid and an alkali to form a salt and water
  • Salt: a molecule formed by the combination of an acid without its free H+ ions and an alkali without its OH- ions


Title/link Description
RLO: The Anatomy of the Liver Introduction to the external and internal anatomy of the liver.
RLO: The Physiology of the Liver An introduction to liver physiology and its role in metabolism.
RLO: Understanding First Pass Metabolism Description of the first pass metabolism of orally-administered drugs in the liver and gastrointestinal tract
RLO: Plasma proteins and drug binding. Examining the role of plasma proteins in the distribution and retention of drugs in the body
RLO: Half-life of Drugs To understand the half-life of drugs and its relationship with volume of distribution and clearance
RLO: The Kidneys and Drug Excretion Examining the role of the kidneys in the exretion of drugs from the body

Books and Journals

Egger M, Davey Smith G, Phillips AN. (1997) Meta-analysis: Principles and Procedures.BMJ;315:1533-1537.

The Liver and Drug Metabolism - Print summary

This RLO covers role of the liver in drug metabolism.

Learning outcomes

By completing this resource you should be able to describe:

  • the stages of metabolism
  • factors affecting the metabolism of drugs by the liver.

By completing this resource you should be able to describe:

  • the stages of metabolism
  • factors affecting the metabolism of drugs by the liver.

This resource was developed by:

Dr Viv Rolfe - content author

Dr Viv Rolfe - developer

Liz Hilton - HTML5 conversion

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