Strengths and weaknesses of cohort studies

The strengths and weaknesses of cohort studies are summarised below. Click each heading to find out more.
  • Multiple outcomes can be measured for any one exposure
  • Can look at multiple exposures
  • Demonstrate the direction of causality
  • Can establish incidence (i.e. absolute risk) directly
  • Easier and cheaper to do than a RCT
  • You can look at detrimental exposures/interventions which cannot be assessed in an RCT
  • Costly and time consuming
  • Long periods of follow-up needed for outcomes that take time to develop
  • Prone to bias due to loss to follow-up
  • Knowledge of exposure status may bias classification of the outcome
  • Being in the study may alter the participant’s behaviour
  • Not good for the study of rare disease as large sample sizes needed