RLO: Advanced Literature Searching


Title/link Description
How to conduct a literature search (RLO) Practical examples of searching databases of journal articles (eg CINAHL, BNI).
Referencing Books using Harvard (RLO) This resource outlines the information that is required to accurately reference a book for the Harvard referencing scheme. It also outlines where that information can be found within a book.
Referencing Journals using Harvard (RLO) This resources outlines the information that is required to accurately reference a journal article for the Harvard referencing scheme. It also outlines where that information can be found within a printed journal.
Referencing websites using Harvard (RLO) This resource outlines the information that is required to accurately reference a website for the Harvard referencing scheme. It also outlines where that information can be found within a website.
Referencing your work with Harvard (RLO) Introduction to the Harvard style of literature referencing, incorporating an interactive referencing tool for students.
Using databases to find journal articles (RLO) An introduction to online databases of journals relevant to nurses (eg CINAHL, BNI).
What are Journals? (RLO) Introduction to academic, professional, general and subject-based journals for nurses.
What is referencing? (RLO) This RLO outlines the importance of referencing and how to refer to the work of others appropriately. Interactive tasks illustrate the range of materials that can be referenced and examples of plagiarism.




RLO Transcript (Rich Text Format 63kb)