Finding my new normal: Life after my child's cancer treatment has finished

9. Resources

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ResourceResource Description
NHS Choices: Mood self-assessment

We can all feel low, anxious or panicky from time to time. Check your mood using this simple questionnaire and get advice on what might help.

American Cancer Society: When Your Child's Treatment Ends

The end of a child's cancer treatment can bring mixed emotions. You may feel excited, happy, hopeful, and scared or worried all at once. You may find that it is hard to be done with treatment in ways you did not expect. We will review some of the challenge's families face at the end of treatment and some suggestions for managing the transition

CLIC Sargent

CLIC Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families.

Teenage Cancer Trust

Teenage Cancer Trust is the leading cancer charity supporting teenagers and young adults with cancer in the UK and will continue to support young people after end of treatment.


Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk anytime you like, in your own way - about whatever's getting to you.

PASIC Cancer Support for Children and Young People

The local charity PASIC Cancer Support for Children and Young People and CLIC Sargent hold a parents group for families of children who have completed cancer treatment.

PASIC will continue to support families for three years after the end of treatment.

Children’s & Young Persons’ Integrated Cancer Service [CYPICS]

Children’s & Young Persons’ Integrated Cancer Service [CYPICS] hold two End of Treatment days per year one in Nottingham and one in Leicester. This day gives the families an opportunity to sit with other parents in the same position, discuss how they feel the professionals then join them to answer any questions.

Children’s & Young Persons’ Integrated Cancer Service [CYPICS] – Nottingham Childrens’ Hospital

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Queen’s Medical Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham.  NG7 2UH.

Telephone: 0115 924 9924 - Extension:  63383 / 65302

Direct Line: 0115 849 3302

Email: or

References / Links to papers
  1. Björk, M., Nordström, B., Wiebe, T. and Hallström, I., 2011. Returning to a changed ordinary life–families' lived experience after completing a child's cancer treatment. European Journal of Cancer Care, 20(2), pp.163-169.

Learning outcomes

By completing this resource you will be able to:

  1. To help parents and carers realise that the end of their child’s cancer treatment can expose them to a mix of positive and negative emotions and feelings.
  2. To identify that this mixture of emotions is not uncommon.
  3. To identify strategies that other parents and carers have found useful in addressing some of the negative emotions/feelings.
  4. To signpost parents and carers to appropriate resources.


This project was funded by Nottingham Hospitals Charity.

We would like to extend our thanks to the parents and staff who gave their time to assist in the making of this RLO.

Content authors: Joseph Manning, Oonagh Meade, Margaret Parr, Heather Wharrad, Alison Smith & Emily Bennett

Project developer: Aaron Fecowycz

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