Universities' Collaboration in eLearning (UCEL)

RLO: Hand Hygiene


Title/link Description
Clean your hands A NHS campaign aimed at healthcare institutions, run by the National Patient Safety Agency. Although the campaign is no longer active, the website is still full of useful content in the Resource Area.
RLO: Clean Your Hands Online version of a DVD aimed at patients, healthcare workers and hospital visitors, which is being shown on plasma screens and bedside televisions in wards. The video outlines the importance of hand hygiene, and the practical steps that everyone can take to reduce the chances of damaging infections, such as MRSA and clostridium dificile, being passed to patients by healthcare workers and visitors. It's aimed at patients, healthcare workers and hospital visitors, and will also be useful for health care students in preparation for practice.
Guidelines for Preventing Hospital-acquired infections (PDF) Department of Health (2001). The epic Project: Developing National Evidence-based Guidelines for Preventing Healthcare associated Infections. Phase 1: Guidelines for Preventing Hospital-acquired Infections. Journal of Hospital Infection (2001) 47(Supplement).
Handwashing requirements in a restaurant Guildelines for restaurant employees on hand hygiene. This might be of use as restaurant workers have to be strict on hand hygiene as they can easily pass on infection to customers.
The Student's Guide to Health A useful resource page for young people, with links to resources on health and wellbeing, including a section on "practicing good hygiene" which includes links to hand hygiene sites.
