RLO: Informed Consent


Q.1. When you seek informed consent from someone, you are showing respect for their:

  1. integrity
  2. autonomy
  3. feelings
  4. experience

Q.2. Which of these is not required for a valid informed consent?:

  1. has been given information about participation
  2. understands what participating involves
  3. receives compensation cheque
  4. agrees without coercion to participate

Q.3. If you step on the scales when the nurse says, without explanation, that they want to check your weight, you have given:

  1. imputed consent
  2. implied consent
  3. informed consent
  4. no consent

Q.4. If you, as a researcher or healthcare professional, do not tell a person about all the risks of participating in a research study or healthcare intervention (i.e. a treatment or test), you may be acting:

  1. unlawfully
  2. unethically
  3. in the person’s best interests
  4. all of the above