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10. Resources

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Resource TitleDescription
Better Births to illustrate personalised care and contemporary maternity policy

Improving outcomes of maternity services in England. A five year forward view of maternity care. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Checklist for health professionals to provide to women

Checklist for health professionals to give to to women to help them think about what kind of consultation(s) would work best for them (to be developed).

Checklist for health professionals to help plan/implement a digital consultation

Checklist for health professionals (based on the model) to help them to plan and implement a digital consultation (to be developed).

Guidance for Antenatal and Postnatal Services in the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (Version 3).

Some early guidance (during the Covid-pandemic) on undertaking remote consultations. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

General Medical Council (GMC) - Remote consultations.

General guidance on Remote consultations (over the phone, via video link or online) have increased. So when is it safe to prescribe without meeting a patient face to face?. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Medscape (UK) - Guidelines in practice - Conduct Remote Consultations Safely and Ethically.

Dr Maria Dyban reviews General Medical Council Guidance on Remote Consultations, Covering the Ethical Issues to Consider When Providing Care Remotely. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) - Standards of proficiency for midwives.

NMC Midwifery standards - as a general resource about midwifery professional standards. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

NHS England - Using Online Consultations in Primary Care - Implementation Toolkit.

This guide aims to support those individuals implementing online consultations as part of their role - in practices, within PCNs, CCGs or other organisations, with the successful adoption and seamless integration of online consultations alongside face to face and other services. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP). Remote consultations - CSP guidance for practice.

CSP guidance on how to implement remote consultations. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Remote consultation: An immersive technology resource (NHS).

This elearning programme has been designed to enhance trainees’ skills and knowledge in remote consulting. It was designed with the needs of shielding, displaced or non-patient facing trainees of all grades in mind, however it will be valuable for any trainees or healthcare professionals who are consulting remotely. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

University College London (UCL & Future Learn). Conducting Remote Consultations and Triage.

Learn how to conduct remote consultations and triage during COVID-19 with this free course for healthcare professionals. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

University of Bristol - Student guide to remote consulting in Primary Care.

To prepare for a workplace where increasing work is done on the telephone e.g. secondary care follow ups, GP consultation, OOH triage and to understand the potential benefits and challenges of remote consulting. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Virtual Consultations: Guidance on Appropriate Application for Virtual Consultations and Practical Tips for Effective Use.

Guidance and advice on undertaking virtual consultations in maternity care. (Accessed: 2nd of November 2023).

Learning outcomes

By completing this resource you will be able to:

provide guidance to health care professionals and students on how to provide safe, appropriate and acceptable digital consultations in maternity care.

This resource was developed by:

Project Lead: Catrin Evans,

Content Authors: Catrin Evans, Helen Spiby, Vikki Barrett, Candice Sunney and Georgia Clancy.

Contributing Authors: Kerry Evans, Benash Nazmeen, Nia Jones, Kelly Whiting, Cee N Tchuissi, Embarika Mostafa and Zoey Spendlove.

Narrator: Catrin Evans and Vikki Barrett.

Project mentor: Heather Wharrad

Development This learning resource was developed using the ASPIRE methodology; Aims, Storyboarding, Population, Implementation, Review, Evaluation. Content was developed in consultation with, and peer reviewed by, experts in diverse areas of health and care.

Implementation: Michael Taylor and Lydia Jones

Funding: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Logo

Peer Reviewers:


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Creative Commons logo Learning Objects for Healthcare by School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

This resource has been developed using the findings of the ARM@DA study and the most recent guidance available to date (13th of November 2023). However, as the use of digital clinical consultations develop in healthcare, developments in evidence and best practice are likely to occur. Learners are advised to refer to the most up to date guidance from their own organisation and / or professional body.

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