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9. Summary

Qualitative fieldwork offers unique opportunities to understand healthcare contexts and people's experiences within that context. The introduction to qualitative fieldwork presented here has discussed why you might want to undertake fieldwork and what fieldwork is. Focusing specifically on observations we have discussed how you might prepare for fieldwork.

Within the resources section we provide references which build on the information provided here, and some examples of studies which have used qualitative fieldwork, to show what these methods can contribute to health sciences and healthcare practice.

Your Research Protocol Sheet

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My Reflective Account

What is the activity/concept you want to understand more about within the setting?

In what setting do you wish to research the activity in?

What fieldwork method/s will you use to collect this data?

In relation to observations.

a). what will you initially observe?

b). who will you initially observe?

c). when will you initially observe?

Briefly reflect who you are, your assumptions and how this may influence you entering the field?

Briefly reflect who you are, your assumptions and how this may influence you entering the field?

What are the possible ethical issues associated with your study?

a). consider steps you will take to inform everyone in the field

b). consider steps you will take to ensure confidentiality.

Who are the main gatekeepers in your proposed setting?

How will you build trust with participants?

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