Films can be used to trigger reflection. In this section there are three short video clips from Emma Allen’s story on the Patient Voices website. After watching each video, click your browser's Back button to return to this resource.

  1. Watch clip 1: "Introduction" to introduce yourself to nurse Emma and the patient, Fred.
  2. Watch clip 2: "Communication… Just Simple Communication" and try to imagine yourself in Emma’s position.
  3. Write your own short notes about the experience.
  4. Compare your notes against the worked examples provided. The first example (PDF) was created using Gibb's model (Gibbs 1988) and the question prompts to draw out some key points. Please remember there is no right or wrong answer!
  5. Different models draw out different issues. Read the second example (PDF), this time using Johns' model (Johns 2006).
  6. Watch clip 3: "Left out of the Circle" in which Emma takes the issues to the case conference. Do you think there was anything else she could have done? What might she have done differently? Where does she go from here?

Videos used with kind permission of the Patient Voices project.