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ResourceResource Description
NICE guidance: Background NICE guidance on helping NHS staff to deal with violence and aggression from patients
NICE guideline [NG10] Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings NICE guideline [NG10] Published date: May 2015
NICE guideline [NG11] Challenging behaviour and learning disabilities: prevention and interventions for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges NICE guideline [NG11] Published date: May 2015
NICE guidance: Dementia Dementia: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care Clinical guideline [CG42] Published date: November 2006 Last updated: September 2016
NICE Guidance - Settings - Care homes Prevention and management of violence and aggression - promoting safe and therapeutic services in older people's mental health
Aggression and Violent Behavior Aggression and Violent Behavior, A Review Journal is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes substantive and integrative reviews, as well as summary reports of innovative ongoing clinical research programs on a wide range of topics germane to the field of aggression and violent behavior.
Violence in health and social care Health and social care employees should not accept incidents of violent or aggressive behaviour as a normal part of the job. They have a right to expect a safe and secure workplace.
NICE Resources NICE search results for Management of violence and aggression in mental health setting
Dementia and Cognitive Loss - Caring for people with dementia in the general hospital (RLO) Dementia is very common. A quarter of general hospital in-patients have cognitive impairment, Dementia or dementia complicated by delirium. Almost all healthcare professionals who look after adults will encounter patients with these problems, we all need the knowledge and skills to care for them.
Person-centred dementia care - Caring for people with dementia in the general hospital (RLO) This RLO looks at what person-centered dementia care is and using filming of healthcare professionals caring for people with dementia, shows how person-centered care can be applied on a hospital ward.
Communication - Caring for people with dementia in the general hospital (RLO) This RLO looks at people with dementia who experience difficulties in both understanding others and saying what they want to say. This usually progresses as the disease progresses. This RLO looks at problems people with dementia experience when communicating and strategies healthcare professionals can use to improve their communication.

Learning outcomes

By completing this resource you will be able to:

  1. Identify the causes and signs of violence and aggression in health care settings.
  2. Recognize early signs of potential development of violence and aggression, understanding the importance of de-escalation as a preventative measure.
  3. Identify de-escalation/conflict resolution methods.

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This resource was developed by:

Name: Jonathan Allen
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: Diploma in Stage Management and Technical Theatre, Guildford School of Acting
Previous experience: Phil, ‘Brassed Off!’, People’s Theatre Company, Nottingham Arts Theatre; KoKo, ‘The Mikado’, Derby G&S Company, Gettysburg Majestic Theatre, Derby Assembly Rooms, Buxton Opera House, Chatsworth House Theatre;  Scarecrow, ‘Wizard of Oz’, Carlton Operatic Society, Nottingham Playhouse; Leo, ‘The Producers’, Carlton Operatic Society, Nottingham Playhouse; Assistant Stage Manager, ‘Les Miserables’, Palace Theatre and Queen’s Theatre, London; Assistant Stage Manager, ‘Chicago – The Musical’, Adelphi Theatre, London; Assistant Stage Manager, ‘A Letter of Resignation’, Savoy Theatre and Comedy Theatre, London.

Name: Charley Baker
Role in Project: Project Coordinator
Qualifications: PhD, MA, BA.
Previous experience:  Charley is a Lecturer in Mental Health at the University of Nottingham and Safeguarding Lead for the School of Health Sciences. Prior to moving to Nottingham she worked in a range of NHS mental health and general adult settings. She has extensive experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students across a range of topics. 

Name: Justine Barksby
Role in Project:  Project Coordinator, Content Author (Learning Disabilities)
Qualifications:  MSc, BSc (hons), PGcert (management), PGCHE, RNLD.
Previous Experience: Justine has over 25 years’ experience working with people with learning disabilities and most of this has been supporting people who display behaviours that challenge.  Justine also managed an LD service for people whose behaviours were challenging including violence, aggression and self-harm.

Name: Ed Boott
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: BA(Hons) European Theatre Arts (Rose Bruford College), Teatro de Gesto (Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico de Madrid)
Previous Experience: N/A

Name: Mel Boucher
Role in Project: Technical Developer
Qualifications: PG DTLLS, BSc (Hons) Interactive Media Production
Previous experience: Mel has many years' experience in e-learning, creating interactive resources as well as filming and editing promotional and narrative video.

Name: Maria Brawn
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N.N.E.B.
Previous Experience: Maria has worked with children and young people with learning disability in the former "Shepherd School" for most of her working life. Since 1990 Maria has been a volunteer tutor with the Nottingham Youth Theatre Inclusive Group and has supported productions at the "Edinburgh Festival" over several years as well as other local, National and European performances. Since retiring from school in 2009 Maria has continued to support the group at weekly rehearsals at College Street Centre for Performing Arts in Nottingham.

Name: Sue Britt
Role in Project: Content Author (Midwifery)
Qualifications: PGCHE, MSc, BMedSci (Hons), BA (Hons), RM
Previous experience: Sue is an Assistant Professor of Midwifery at the University of Nottingham’s School of Health Sciences. She is a registered midwife with experience in all areas of midwifery care. She specialises in the teaching of perinatal mental health and the public health role of the midwife.

Name: Alistair Conquer
Role in Project: Patient Casting
Qualifications: A teacher of Performing Arts, he has been directing adult and youth productions for over 40 years.
Previous Experience: Alistair has worked on the University of Nottingham School of Health Sciences SHYNE project for the last six years, creating simulations for child and mental health nurse training.

Name: Kirstie Coolin
Role in Project: Technical Developer
Qualifications: BA Hons Philosophy, HND Computing, PRINCE2 Practitioner
Previous experience: Kirstie has worked in e-learning, application development and web since 1999 and has led and worked on numerous Lifelong Learning projects funded through JISC and the EU. She currently manages the HELM team at the University of Nottingham who design and deliver e-learning for Health Sciences.

Name: Chloe Culpin
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N/A
Previous experience: N/A

Name: Elizabeth Eves
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: B.A.Hons. Actor-Musician Degree. / Theatre Studies A Level. (and English Literature A Level.) / G.C.S.E Drama. (and 8 other G.C.S.E's, all grades A - C) 
Previous Experience: Professional actor since 1996. Have toured and performed all over the UK with many theatre companies, and in many different theatres and venues. 

Name: Aaron Fecowycz
Role in Project: Technical Developer
Qualifications: BA (Hons) Design for Digital Media
Previous Experience: Aaron has worked within web and media design and development for over 10 years and is currently working as a learning technologist within the School of Health Sciences' Health E-Learning and Media Team.

Name: Margaret Foster
Role in Project: Wardrobe
Previous Experience: Worked with the HELM Team on the "Unlocking the Code" on location video shoot.

Name: George Gadd
Role in Project: Technical Support
Qualifications: BSc (Hon) Sound Engineering and Multimedia Technology
Previous experience: George works as an Operations and IT Assistant and aids in installing hardware for IT systems alongside support in e-learning and online services. He has a wide background in audio, which he developed upon in his degree.

Name: Bridget Gilliatt
Role in Project: Project Manager
Qualifications: BA (Hons) English and American Literature, PG Dip Management Studies (Education), ILM Cert Project Management.
Previous experience: Bridget joined the University of Nottingham in 2009, working most recently as Operations Manager for the School of Health Sciences. This role included responsibility of managing a range of strategic and infrastructure projects on behalf of the School. Bridget’s prior experience as Centre Director for Relate Nottinghamshire had provided her with insight into the dynamics of aggressive and intimidating behaviour and a strong belief in the importance of training for healthcare professionals in the management of difficult situations. She retired in July 2016.

Name: Sarah Goldberg
Role in Project: Content Author (Adult Health)
Qualifications: PhD, BSc, RN,
Previous experience: Sarah is the Associate Professor in Older Persons Care at the University of Nottingham’s School of Health Sciences.  She is a registered nurse with experience of caring for patients with dementia and has extensive experience researching the hospital care of patients with dementia. 

Name: Kristy Guest
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N/A
Previous experience: Kristy works front of house at Nottingham Playhouse, and has varied experience acting in many stage productions across the UK.

Name: Tammy Heath
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: 2-year professional acting course - Driving instructor - Adult nursing student.
Previous experience: Television - Coronation Street, Londons Burning.
Film- Oranges and sunshine plus many indie films
Theatre - Royal exchange (Loot) plus touring shows Edinburgh fringe festival
Advert - walkers crisp, payday loan

Name: James Henderson
Role in Project: Technical Developer
Qualifications: BEng (Hons) Software Engineering
Previous experience: James moved into the field of e-learning within the education sector from his background of software engineering. Currently, he has almost a decade of experience in developing online learning resources and platforms within both further and higher education.

Name: Ada Hui
Role in Project: Content Author (Mental Health)
Qualifications: PhD, MNursSci (Hons), RMN
Previous experience: Ada is an experienced researcher and healthcare practitioner with a background in sociology and mental health. She has particular interests and expertise in restrictive practices, health and organisations. Ada is currently a Teaching and Research Associate in Mental Health at the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham.

Name: Laura Holliday
Role in Project: Content Author (Child Health)
Qualifications: MNursSci, RN Child.   
Previous experience: Laura’s clinical experience includes children’s cardiology, medicine and respiratory. She has previously led a hospital wide preceptorship programme, working within a practice development team. She is currently employed as a Teaching Associate in Child Health at the University of Nottingham.

Name: Lydia Jones
Role in Project: Production Supervisor
Qualifications: BA(Hons) Media Production.
Previous experience: Lydia has worked in the HELM team at the University of Nottingham for 7 years and is currently the e-Learning and project development officer. She has many years’ experience in project management and audio and video production.

Name: Georgie Levers
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: BA Hons English and Drama 
Previous Experience: A number of screen acting projects, including two short films, two music videos, a sitcom pilot, a TV series for Notts TV and Kickstarter Campaigns. Georgie also has a lot of experience in theatre acting and theatre directing. 

Name: Julia Mart
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: Maths, English, General Sciences, Access to Nursing Diploma
Previous experience: This is Julia’s first acting role.

Name: Fiona Moffatt
Role in Project: Content Author (Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation)
Qualifications: PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), MCSP
Previous experience: Fiona is an experienced researcher and physiotherapist with a background in critical/emergency care and sociology. She has particular interests and expertise in acute illness management, physical activity/exercise, and healthcare professions. Fiona is currently an Assistant Professor in the Division of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Nottingham.

Name: Gareth Morgan
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N/A
Previous Experience: This was Gareth’s first acting role.

Name: Thomas Maroussie
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N/A
Previous experience: N/A

Name: Julia Nell
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: Physiotherapy degree
Previous Experience: This was Julia’s first acting role.

Name: Cherry Poussa
Role in Project: Project Coordinator
Qualifications: MSc, BSc.
Previous experience: Cherry is Head of Digital Learning Support Services in the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham  with responsibility for IT systems, e-learning and online services and managing the integration of technical platforms to support the processes within these areas. She plays a key part in implementing the HELM strategy and supporting the technical and budgetary aspects of e-learning and digital media research projects.

Name: Simon Riley
Role in Project: Technical Developer
Qualifications: BSc, HND
Previous experience: Simon is a Learning Technologist within the School of Health Sciences. His role in the team is to support the Curriculum based eLearning within the school. He has a wide background in audio and visual production and eLearning design.

Name: Jodie Sellers
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: A-Level Theatre Studies, BTEC Acting and Performance, BA (hons) English and History
Previous Experience: 12 years of amateur theatre and musical theatre. 

Name: Sabrina Shaw
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: BA (Hons) Business
Previous Experience: Sabrina works front of house at Nottingham Playhouse, and this is Sabrina’s first acting role.

Name: Rebecca Stanfield
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N/A
Previous Experience: Rebecca is a student at the University of Nottingham and this is her first acting role.

Name: Zainab Suleman
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: MNurSci in Paediatric Nursing
Previous Experience: Zainab studied at the University of Nottingham and this was Zainab’s first acting role.

Name: Mike Taylor
Role in Project: Technical Lead
Qualifications: MSc in Information Technology, PGC in Multi-Media design, BA (Hons) Media and cultural studies.
Previous experience: Mike has worked as a learning technologist for over 10 years at the University of Nottingham. He is currently the Project Development Lead for the HELM team and is working on the development of reusable learning objects (RLOs) both for the school of health sciences and for external projects.

Name: Nick Whiting
Role in Project: Technical Support
Qualifications: BTEC extended diploma Level 3 in ICT and Telecoms
Previous experience: Nick has worked in the HELM team for 2 years helping with a variety of projects, which have included audio and video production and has assisted in learning resource development.

Name: Rebekah Wilkinson
Role in Project: Actor
Qualifications: N/A
Previous Experience: Rebekah is a student at the University of Nottingham and this is her first acting role.

Name: Richard Windle
Role in Project: Instructional Designer
Qualifications: PhD, PGCAP, BSc (Hon), PFHEA
Previous experience: Richard is an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham.  He is currently co-academic lead for the HELM team.  As well as leading online curriculum development, his research and development interests include open multimedia learning content pedagogy and reuse, stakeholder involvement in content development and student generated content.

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