Mahsa Fatahi
Project Title: WP13 - Bioeffects and Safety
Supervisor: Prof. Oliver Speck
Centre: Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg
Secondment: ESSEN
Project Description
Firstly a number of direct effects of the static magnetic field on human subjects have been reported and hypotheses related to causative mechanisms exist but have not been investigated in larger scale trials. The origin of sensory effects in MR scanners, will be investigated using experiments and modelling, and the acute and lasting effects of these sensations will be measured. The level of potential discomfort or even danger together with effective prevention strategies (experimental and behavioural protocols, MR sequences, subject information, pharmacologic intervention) will be investigated. Secondly although a significant number of UHF systems operate in Europe, data about side effects, subjects’ discomfort or simply the number of human examinations is not available. The HiMR ITN will provide a unique framework for the unified collection of UHF exposure data across Europe. An electronic web based data collection system will be developed in accordance with national data safety regulations and in discussion with Associated Partner HSL. This will form the basis for larger scientific studies on exposure of patients and workers in UHF MR and will also provide scientific evidence for future regulatory measures.
Meetings Attended: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM/ESMRMB 2014 (Milan)